
来源 :中学历史教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:Q529801428
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课程改革的不断深入促使历史资料的运用也更多地出现在历史教学中。但教师在收集、甄选、运用历史资料上还有一些不足,无意中增加了学生负担或者在教学中脱离生活,偏离原先使用历史资料的目的。而学生也需要自主提高历史思维能力,才能很好地运用历史资料。本文将根据丰富的历史教学经验,结合科学系统的历史资料运用的理论知识,对历史资料的运用要点进行分析与探讨,希望能给予其他历史教育工作者一些借鉴与指导。 The continuous deepening of curriculum reform has prompted the use of historical materials to appear more in history teaching. However, teachers still have some deficiencies in collecting, selecting and using historical materials. They inadvertently increase the burden on students or break away from their lives in teaching and deviate from the original purpose of using historical materials. Students also need to independently improve their ability of historical thinking in order to make good use of historical materials. This article will analyze and discuss the application of historical materials based on the rich experience of historical teaching combined with the theoretical knowledge of historical materials used by the scientific system, hoping to give some reference and guidance to other historical educators.
AIM: To investigate the relationship between osteopontin plasma concentrations and the severity of portal hypertension and to assess osteopontin prognostic valu
有关专家表示,防沉迷系统只起引导作用,治网游沉迷还得靠“心药”。2004年12月27日清晨,13岁的少年张潇艺,从天津市塘沽区一栋24层高楼上跳下自杀。死前 The experts said t
W67Y-160型板料折弯机是采用液压传动结构,有时会产生噪声。现本人根据多年的生产实践,对该机床所产生的噪声源作一分析,并提出解决办法。 (1)油质: 液压油透明度下降,呈现
随着社会的进步,再婚夫妇日益增多, 然而有些再婚夫妇婚后没过多久又各奔东西。究其原因,除了性格、脾气不合,教育子女意见不一致外,还有一个重要的原因就是双方性生活习惯有
咱普通女子,天天为衣食发愁呢!咱跟人家根本就不在一个档次上。怎么玩? We ordinary women, worry about it every day for food and clothing! Zan and others simply not
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那一刻是丈夫没有料到的,当然也由此证明丈夫没有心计——换句话说,这事真的就像他说的那样,“不关我的事”。  丈夫进门的那一刻本来是要拥抱我一下的,多年的习惯了,要想不做都不可能。当他张开双臂时,手里的礼品包“啪嗒”掉在地上,从里面掉出来一个东西——猜猜是个什么东西——我说了吧,是性用品,男用的。我办公室里那些结了婚的姐妹们给它取了个十分形象的名字:牛眼。   应该说我是见过一点世面的知识女性,也没