Cross the River

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  Today, the little horse’s mother says to him, “You must take the grain to the mill(磨坊).”
  He must cross the river on his way to the mill. When the little horse is thinking how to cross the river, a squirrel(松鼠) comes over to him. The squirrel says to him, “The river is deep(深的). My friend died yesterday.”The little horse is afraid.
  Then he sees a cow and asks him, “Is the river deep? How can I cross the river?” The cow says to him, “No, it’s shallow(浅的). It’s up to my knee(膝盖).”
  The little horse says, “But the squirrel said it was deep.” The cow says, “The squirrel is shorter than you, you can cross it.”
  Finally, the little horse tries to cross the river and gets to the mill.
  1. The squirrel thinks the river is___________.
  2. The cow says the river is___________.
  3. The little horse is_____________than the squirrel.
  4. We now know the horse_____________the river himself.
My father has been very busythese days. Every day he goes to bed lateand gets up early in the morning, I’mafraid that the hard work will do harm tohis health.
cetter to Dear Miss Yang  华心怡
角色介绍    小飞侠“彼得·潘”  (Peter Pan)  他是个永远长不大也拒绝长大的孩子,调皮又好冒险,在梦幻岛(Neverland)快乐自由地生活着。在剧中,他带着他的三个小朋友,来到岛上一起欣赏他发现的神秘世界。在好友遭到海盗袭击后,他勇敢地营救朋友,是个善良、淘气和乐于助人的小英雄。    小女孩“温迪”  (Wendy)  她是个美丽温柔、充满梦幻的女孩,因为梦想会飞而被小飞侠邀请
The big tree is the birds’home.  The clean river is the fish’s home.  The green forest if the animals’home.
同学们,当你的周围有外宾时,你能很自信地用英语邀请他们和你一同看球赛吗?首先,我们来听听Li Ming怎样邀请英国朋友Smith看球赛。
嗨,大家好!时光的脚步踏上了2007年,生活的篇章翻开了新的一页。带着崭新的向往和心愿,我们将开始又一段愉快的阅读之行。  新年伊始,叮当姐姐向你推荐“双桅船经典童书"系列第一辑(共10本)。从规模上看,“双桅船" 至少将涵盖50本世界儿童文学的经典作品;从内容上看,“双桅船"的每个故事都散发出童心和童年的精髓;从形式上看,“双桅船”具有与经典内容颇为相称的精致形式,封面、插图都恰到好处地阐释着文
夜晚,我在灯下写稿,一只飞蛾不停地在我的头顶上方飞来旋去,骚扰着我。趁它停在眼前小憩时,我一伸手抓住了它,我原想弄死它,但它鼓动双翅,极力挣扎,我感到一股生命的力量在我手中跃动,那样强烈!那样鲜明!这样一只小小的飞蛾,只要我的手指稍一用力,它就不能再动了,可是那双翅膀在我手中挣扎,那种生之欲望令我震惊,使我忍不住放了它!  我常常想,生命是什么呢?墙角的砖缝中掉进一粒香瓜子,隔了几天,竟然冒出了一
在抗日战争时期。有一年初春,日本鬼子开进大兴安岭山区追剿我抗日联军。当时,有一支抗联小分队正在密营里休整。这密营本是很隐蔽的,却因为叛徒告密,被鬼子知道了。  日本鬼子率领伪山林警察队,直扑密营。半路上,他们遇见一位刚刚给抗联小分队送药品回来的鄂族小姑娘。这位鄂族姑娘发现了鬼子兵,不由大吃一惊。她知道,这准是去围剿抗联小分队的。她灵机一动,勒转马头,迎着鬼子兵走去。  小姑娘镇定地对日本鬼子说,她
There are four seasons in a year. Spring is green. Summer is bright. Autumn is golden. And winter is white. I like spring best. Spring is very beautiful. It comes in March. The weather gets warmer. Th
春节来临,千家万户写春联、贴春联,是几千年流传下来的象征吉祥、表达人们向往美好生活的风俗习惯。于是,每当春节临近,大家纷纷上街购买春联,也有的自己动手写春联,将宅子里里外外的门户装点一新。  关于春联还有个传说呢。据说,很久以前,在东海边的一座山上,有一棵弯弯曲曲延伸了三千里的大桃树,大桃树的枝杈一直伸向东北方的鬼门,山洞里的鬼神都从这里进出。专门审查恶鬼的神也在这棵桃树下监视这些鬼,看到有恶鬼害