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应上海新闻工作者协会邀请,苏联列宁格勒新闻代表团一行五人于5月18日至29日到上海、北京进行友好访问,参观了中共“一大”会址、家用化学品厂、上海汽轮机厂、闵行开发区等地,游览了故宫、长城,还同上海市记协、解放日报、文汇报、新民晚报、电台、电视台和《新闻记者》杂志的负责人进行了座谈。图为中共上海市委副书记陈至立会见代表团,与团长、列宁格勒记协主席叶捷列夫握手,中立者为上海记协主席王维。 At the invitation of the Shanghai Journalists Association, a delegation of five from the Leningrad news delegation of the Soviet Union visited Shanghai and Beijing from May 18 to 29 for a goodwill visit and visited the “Big One” site of the CCP, the home chemicals factory, Shanghai Steam Turbine Factory, Minhang Development Zone and other places. They visited the Forbidden City and the Great Wall and held talks with Shanghai Association of Journalists, Liberation Daily, Wen Wei Po, Xinmin Evening News, radio and television stations and the journalists magazine. The photo shows Chen Zhili, deputy secretary of the CPC Shanghai Municipal Committee, meeting with a delegation and shaking hands with the head of the Leningrad League of Writers’ Association, Yetelev. The neutral is Wang Wei, chairman of the Shanghai Association of Record Workers.