
来源 :海洋地质与第四纪地质 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ytm_2009
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据加速器质谱仪14C测年,RC26-16孔提供了南海北部近15200a来古海洋学的连续沉积记录。其古海洋学发展过程可分为3期,(1)最后冰期(15.2~13.3ka);(2)冰消期(13.3~9.0ka);(3)间冰期(9.0ka~现代)。末次冰期至全新世时,冬季海水表层温度由18℃上升至24℃,夏季则保持在27~29℃之间。在11ka时,冬季水温曾短暂的一度变凉(约3℃),此可能代表区内新仙女木事件。末次冰期时,夏季与冬季温度差约为9℃,它的变化幅度较全新世的5℃要大。末次冰期时,表层水(0~50m)与次表层水(50~100m)间碳、氧同位素递减梯度较全新世的为小。15~13ka时大洋表层动物衍生营养含量相对较高,推测这与较强的冬季风导致较强的上升流,而造成高养分和高生物生产率有关,全新世时冬季风变弱。全新世碳酸盐补偿深度和有孔虫溶跃层较浅,5.3ka时有短暂的变深,浮游有孔虫保存高峰和碳酸钙高峰值发生在14~12ka间,相当于全球性的TerminationⅠ事件。 According to the 14C dating of the accelerator mass spectrometer, the RC26-16 borehole provides a continuous sedimentary record of nearly 15,200 years of paleoceanography in the northern South China Sea. The Paleoceanography can be divided into three phases: (1) the last glacial period (15.2 ~ 13.3 ka); (2) the eclogite period (13.3-9.0 ka); (3) the interglacial period . 0ka ~ modern). During the last glacial to the Holocene, the surface temperature of seawater in winter increased from 18 ℃ to 24 ℃ in winter and kept between 27 ℃ and 29 ℃ in summer. At 11 ka, the winter water temperature once briefly cooled (about 3 ° C), which may represent the new fairy wood event in the area. During the last ice age, the temperature difference between summer and winter was about 9 ℃, which was larger than that of the Holocene at 5 ℃. During the last glacial period, the descending gradient of carbon and oxygen isotope between surface water (0-50 m) and subsurface water (50-100 m) was smaller than that of Holocene. From 15 to 13 ka, the nutrient content derived from the surface oceanic animals was relatively high, which is presumed to be associated with stronger upwelling caused by the stronger winter monsoon, which resulted in higher nutrients and higher biological productivity. The Holocene winter monsoon weakened. The depth of carbonate compensation and foraminifera of the Holocene are shallow, with a brief decrease at 5.3 ka, the peak of planktonic foraminifera and the peak of calcium carbonate occur between 14 and 12 ka, which is equivalent to the global Termination I event.
本文将无锡市妇幼保健院1984年以来13年间在出生缺陷监测中根据典型或可疑面容及有关体征结合染色体检查确诊的围产儿Down综合征(DS)46例,报告如下。 一、资料和分析 1.DS发
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。刮枷旧叔国珠犷蕊以蕊冲画分粤我牢.划哥创娜叫纷码华霹叫"东潭纲露擎拐召翻日搜吉强毖礴名衅侧旧有劝犷蒸以月冲画于鹰︸坦 丽令因衅妞扣口匀经神因畔澳冲耸扣 它匀坦冲侣铭
据《中华儿科杂志》1997年11月36卷第11期报道 首都儿科研究所谈藏文等为探讨肺炎和腹泻患儿体内维生素A(V_A)状况及其与疾病的关系,对128例肺炎、116例腹泻患儿和100名健康
薄山水库经过将近两年的勘查、设计及各项准备,并在五二年冬季,进行了两个月的局部施工,现已基本上完成了各项准备工作 .各种器材、物资的购买、调拨,已 After nearly two
该校中日联谊医院骨科孙丹舟教授等1983年以来,采用新术式共为94例双侧先天性髋关节脱位小儿同时进行手术治疗188个髋。结果46例92个髋经平均4年随访, Since 1983, a total o