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不久前,在京召开的民进2002年全国先进集体、先进会员经验交流会上,民进淮安市委被民进中央表彰为全国先进集体,这是我省唯一一家民进市级委员会获此殊荣。近几年,民进淮安市委在民进江苏省委和中共淮安市委的正确领导下,始终围绕经济建设中心和改革发展稳定的大局,切实加强自身建设,认真履行参政党职能,做出了一些卓有成效的工作。在组织建设上,通过严把入口质量关,规范发展程序,优化队伍结构,使民进组织的界别拓宽了,层次提高了。在参政议政方面,从制度入手,建立、完善各项制度,实现了由少数会员参政到群体参政的转变,参政议政的质量逐年提高,建议的采用率明显上升。如关于发挥苏北后发优势的建议,受到省委、省政府高度重视,有 Not long ago, at the exchange meeting for advanced collectives and advanced members held in Beijing held in Beijing in 2002, the people’s government of Huaian City was honored as the advanced collective by the Central Committee of the People’s Democratic Progressive Party, which is the only one of the people’s municipal committees in our province to receive this honor. In recent years, under the correct leadership of the People’s Progressive Provincial Party Committee of Jiangsu Province and the Huaian Municipal Party Committee of the CPC, the people’s government of Huai’an has always centered on the economic construction center and on the overall situation of reform, development and stabilization, earnestly strengthening self-construction and conscientiously fulfilling the functions of participating parties and made some Effective work. In organizational construction, by strictly controlling the quality of entrances, standardizing development procedures and optimizing team structure, the sector of NGO has been broadened and the level has been raised. In terms of participating in the deliberation and administration of state affairs, starting from the system, we have established and perfected various systems and realized the transition from minority membership to the participation of the masses in participating in politics. The quality of participating in and deliberation over politics has been increasing year by year, and the adoption rate of the proposals has risen markedly. For example, the suggestion of giving play to the advantages of backward provinces and lagging behind is highly valued by the provincial party committee and government
目的 :研究性激素与缺血性脑血管病的关系。方法 :采用放射免疫学方法 ,测定了 68例缺血性脑血管病患者血清性激素 :催乳素、雌二醇、孕酮、睾酮水平 ,并与 72例健康老年人进
中国体育信息网:http://www.sport.gov.cn/ 国家体育总局唯一的官方网站,由国家体育总局电子信息中心制作维护。主要栏目有体育政务、体育成就、体坛动态、来信选登、中文报刊和站点导航。在网上公开刊
1ABBS建筑论坛http://WWWsbbs.com.cnABBS,ArchitectureBul-letinBoardSystem的简称,一个充满了自由网络色彩的纯粹论坛,1998年创办于广州。几年间,大量个人网站被淘汰,ABBS逐渐脱颖而出,成为具? 1ABBS Building Forum http: // WWWsbbs. com. cnABBS, the
在提及章回小说早期的辉煌时 ,人们常常提及其类型的演变 ,如何由讲史、传奇、神魔而世情。然而这些小说几乎都源于民间说话 ,由此导致的明显特征便是形象复现。形象复现决非
根据国务院和北京市西城区《关于开展“冬衣暖人心”捐助活动的通知》要求,西单商场于近日开展了捐衣物活动,为云南、内蒙古地震灾区人民奉 According to the State Counci