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理论与实践相结合,是我们党的优良作风,也是思想政治教育必须贯彻的重要原则.诚然,理论联系实际是一个动态发展的过程,在两者结合过程中不可能不存在差距,这种差距是难以避免的“顺差”.而现在的问题是,在思想政治教育领域内那种理论与实际相脱节、相背离,事理相悖,言行不一,令不行,禁不止等不正常的“反差”屡见不鲜.群众中流传的“真理在讲台,包公在舞台,办事靠‘茅台’,当官要后台”等说法,反映了人们对这种反差现象的不满.虽然这种反差现象并不是现实生活的主流,但它的存在给不少同志带来思想上的困惑,并影响到对思想政治教育和党的领导的信心.因而,理性地审视和分析思想政治教育理论与现实生活的反差现象,在思想政治教育中大兴党的理论与实践相结合的优良作风,帮助官兵消除思想困惑,增强发扬党的政治优势的信念和信心,是新形势下加强思想政治建设一个十分现实而迫切的重要课题. The combination of theory and practice is an excellent style of our party and an important principle that must be implemented in ideological and political education. It is true that linking theory with practice is a dynamic process of development. There can be no gap between the two in the process of combining the two. Is the inevitable “surplus.” The problem now is that in the field of ideological and political education that theory and reality are out of touch, contrary to the contrary, contrary to the truth, different words and deeds, so no, no more than banter such abnormal “contrast” It is not uncommon for people to express their dissatisfaction with this phenomenon of “truth in the podium, Bao Gong on the stage, work by the Maotai, and officials want the background.” Although this contrast is not real life However, its existence has brought ideological confusion to many comrades and has affected the confidence in ideological and political education and the party’s leadership. Therefore, it is necessary to rationally examine and analyze the contrast between the theory of ideological and political education and the real life. Ideological and Political Education Daxing Party’s theory and practice of combining the fine style of work to help officers and soldiers to eliminate ideological confusion and enhance the party’s political advantage to enhance the faith and confidence is new Potential to strengthen ideological and political construction at a very real and urgent important issue.
陪内子夜就急诊两首  一  殷殷陪护究何因,瘦影亭亭梦里人。  更有深情难忘却,当年嫁我未嫌贫。  二  点滴三瓶过夜分,长街暑退气芳芬。  扶妻缓缓归家去,明月悠悠伴彩云。  无 题  熙熙蜂蝶去无踪,谁记当时灼灼红。  开落从来难自主,桃花不敢怨春风。  同心湖看月  远避炎炎暑气蒸,平湖野月水波澄。  长堤坐看清辉久,分得胸中一片冰。  深夜看海  残月滩头椰影明,蛟龙潜迹海潮平。  旧日奇