
来源 :江苏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ypf0856
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环步冈是溧水县城东一个偏僻的村子,全村七十三户人家中就有六十二户贫农。解放前,这个村子的农民受尽地主的剥削,过着极端穷困的生活,他们的子女更谈不到有上学读书的机会。解放后,农民们分得了土地,在政治上,经济上,都翻了身,也有了让自己的子女受教育的要求。一九五一年人民政府派了一个教师到环步冈来办学校,但是这个教师没有几天就被学校开创时的种种困难吓跑了。第二年下半年,人民政府就又派了刚从师训班学习结业的马金敖老师到这个村子接办学校。马老师接办下来的学校,实际上什么都没有,就连自己吃饭住宿的地方也费了不少事才勉强解决。但这些开始时的困难,没有吓到马老师,他着手做起开学工作来了。开学了,由于以前那个教师留下了不好的印象,农民们仍不送孩子到学校来。他们说:“你们教师就是一张嘴能说会道。”“某某教师五天就跑了,他最多也过不了十天吧!”“年纪这样轻,话又听不懂(马老师是丹 Central step is Gangbuk Lishui County, a remote village east of the village of seventy-three households have 62 poor peasants. Before liberation, peasants in this village were exploited by landlords and lived in extremely poor conditions. Their children even less had the opportunity to go to school. After the liberation, the peasants got the land, turned politically and economically, and also had the requirement to educate their children. In 1951, the people’s government sent a teacher to go to Fuqin to run the school, but within a few days the teacher was scared away by the difficulties it had created when it was founded. In the second half of the second year, the People’s Government sent another one, Ma Jin Ao, who just graduated from the teacher training class to take over the school in this village. Ma took over the school, in fact, nothing at all, and even their place to eat accommodation also cost a lot of things barely resolved. However, these difficulties at the beginning, did not scare Mr. Ma, he set out to start school work. Since the beginning of the school, farmers have not sent their children to school because of the poor impression left by the former teacher. They said: “Your teacher is a mouth to talk.” “Certain teacher ran for five days, he can not even more than ten days!” "Age so light, then do not understand
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