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顾名思义,所谓发展性学生评价就是以促进学生的全面发展为根本目的的学生评价理念和评价体系,它的一大突出特点就是注意学生本人在评价中的作用。布鲁纳说:“教师必须采取提供给学习者最后能自行把矫正机能接过去的那种模式,否则,教学的结果势将造成学生跟着教师转的掌握方式。”这也就是说,教师不仅要做好自身对学生的评价,更要帮助学生去尝试自我评价,使自己从讲台上的传授者变为学生学习的促进者。发展性学生评价归根结底必须指向学生自我评价能力的培养。 As the name implies, the so-called developmental student evaluation is a student evaluation concept and evaluation system based on the promotion of all-round development of students. One of its prominent features is to pay attention to the role of the students themselves in the evaluation. Bruner said: “The teacher must take to provide learners the last to take corrective function of the kind of model, otherwise, the result of teaching is bound to lead students to follow the mastery of the teacher.” This means that teachers not only To do their own evaluation of students, but also to help students to try to self-evaluation, from the podium himself to the facilitator of student learning. Developmental student evaluation in the final analysis must point to the ability of self-evaluation of students.
题1 7个不同的小球,全部放在2个不同的盒子里,有多少种不同的放法?解析1分类讨论法.以第一个盒中球的个数为标准分类:第1个盒子中放0个球,有C07·C77=C07种放法,第1个盒子中
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This project focuses on fundamental problems in the interdisciplinary research of chemistry and materials, covering main achievements on fundamental study and a
目的 :研究富血小板纤维蛋白(platelet-rich fibrin,PRF)及所含三因子TGF-β1、PDGF-AB、VEGF对培养的大鼠脂肪干细胞(adipose tissue-derived stem cell,ADSCs)迁移的影响,
介绍了100mm差动式快开阀的结构和开阀过程的动力学原理。通过建立开阀时间的数学模型,编制计算程序求解了开阀时间。计算结果表明阀体开阀时间与试验实测数据吻合良好。 Th