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史蒂文·弗兰尼根身体健康,无牵无挂,又是个百万富翁。但是在他那年轻生命中留下不可磨灭印记的悲剧却鲜为人知。10年前,在苏格兰边境的小镇洛克比,史蒂文正在离家三户远的一个邻居家里时,祸从天降。泛美航空公司的103班机从空中坠落,将他的家和家人毁于一旦。这个当时14岁的男孩眼睁睁地看着烈焰将他的家连同他的爸爸、妈妈和妹妹烧成灰烬。这起空难的受难者达270人,包括11名洛克比当地人,其中就有史蒂文的父母和10岁的 Steven Flannigan is healthy, unencumbered, and a millionaire. But the tragedy that left an indelible mark on his young life is rarely known. Ten years ago, in Lockerbie, a small town on the Scottish border, Steven was devastating when he was away from a neighbor’s home in a family of three families. Pan Am flight 103 crashed from the sky, destroying his home and his family. The 14-year-old boy watched as flames burned his home with his father, mother, and sister. The number of victims of this crash was 270, including 11 Lockerbie natives, including Steven’s parents and 10 years old.
TO be honest, I had little idea what I was going to learn when I was offered an opportunity to attend the course entitled “Enhancing Women’s Role in Rural De
bend over backwards这一习语的意思为“尽最大的努力”。1.She bent over backwards to showthat she had overlooked the incident.她尽最大的努力来证明她忽视了这一事件
For the first half of this year,the average price of refined lead in China was 15,637 Yuan/ton while the price exceeded 26,000 yuan/ton in August.The average pr
DEFINITION定义:Having no effect;without changing one’s feelings or opinions不起作用;未能改变某人的感情或意见 ILLUSTRATED SENTENCES例句: 1.Rumours rolled off S
It Is No Use Crying Over Spilt Milk One day I looked at myself in the mirror andI knew I needed a haircut. I could have asked myfriends to do it for me, but as