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  16th Meeting of the Security Council Secretaries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization
  Chinese State Councilor and Minister of Public Security Zhao Kezhi addressed the 16th Meeting of the Security Council Secretaries of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Member States via video in Beijing, June 23, 2021.
  Zhao said that this year marks the 20th anniversary of the founding of the SCO. Over the past two decades, the SCO member states have under the guidance of the Shanghai Spirit, followed the vision of common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security and consolidated cooperation on security within the SCO's framework. At present, faced by an evolving international landscape amid a once-in-a-century pandemic, and new regional security threats and challenges, all parties can only maintain regional security through cooperation.
  Zhao put forward five propositions on improving security cooperation among the SCO member states. Firstly, he proposed to strengthen strategic communication and consolidate consensus. He called on member states to reach broader consensus on building a closer SCO community with a shared future, adopt new approaches to foster law enforcement cooperation against the ongoing pandemic, set up better cooperative mechanisms, and play a greater and constructive role in safeguarding regional security.
  Secondly, Zhao proposed coordinating positions to push forward the reconciliation process in Afghanistan. All parties should strengthen bilateral and multilateral coordination and cooperation, promote the orderly withdrawal of foreign military forces from Afghanistan in a responsible manner, prevent terrorist forces from seeking greater influence, and support all parties in Afghanistan to reach a political arrangement acceptable to all sides under the "Afghan-led and Afghan-owned" framework.   Thirdly, Zhao proposed the opposition of unilateralism and resistance against external interference. All member states should safeguard the UN-centered international system and the international order underpinned by international law, stand firmly against behaviors such as meddling in other nations’ internal affairs, interfering in other nations’ sovereignty, and forcing others to pick sides by means of threat. Instead, we should jointly maintain harmony and tranquility in the region.
  Fourthly, Zhao proposed combating transnational crimes and upholding common interests. Zhao called on all parties to strengthen practical cooperation in combating the "three forces," namely separatism, extremism and terrorism, as well as drug production and trafficking, telecommunications and internet fraud, cross-border gambling, and epidemic related crimes, to jointly safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of the people of all countries.
  Fifthly, Zhao proposed strengthening information protection and maintaining data security. All parties should take an active part in building a community of shared future in cyberspace that is peaceful, secure, open, cooperative and orderly, in order to earnestly protect important data concerning national security, public security, economic security, and social order, as well as individual data.
  Minutes of meeting were signed and news reports were released.
  Also present were Deputy Secretary-General of the State Council Meng Yang, External Security Commissioner of the Foreign Ministry Cheng Guoping, Deputy Public Security Minister Du Hangwei and Deputy Minister of National Security Dong Jingwei. Chinese Ambassador to Tajikistan Liu Bin attended the meeting via video in Dushanbe.
  Phone Talks between China
  and the UAE
  State Councilor and Minister of Public Security Zhao Kezhi held phone conversations with Sheikh Saif bin Zayed al Nathan, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Interior of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) on June 7.
  Zhao said that the phone call between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi of the UAE in February 2020 fully demonstrates the profound friendship through thick and thin and the comprehensive strategic partnership built with efforts from the top leaders of China and the UAE. Both countries show mutual understanding and support each other on key issues concerned. Zhao stated that China is ready to earnestly implement the important consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries, forge closer relations in law-enforcement cooperation, and deepen practical cooperation in counter-terrorism and de-radicalization to ensure security for major events and the Belt and Road cooperation, as well as combat crimes such as cross-border gambling and telecom fraud. Zhao also called on the two sides to build a long-term mechanism for cooperation in combating transnational crimes and tracking down corrupt officials who flee overseas and their illicit gains, so as to jointly safeguard the security and strategic interests of both countries, and better benefit their peoples.   Saif expressed his willingness to implement the consensus reached between the leaders of the two countries, deepen practical cooperation in law enforcement and security, and safeguard stability for both sides.
  Deputy Secretary General of the Chinese State Council Meng Yang, External Security Commissioner of the Foreign Ministry Cheng Guoping, and Assistant Minister of Public Security Chen Siyuan attended the event.
  Phone Conversations between China and Kazakhstan
  State Councilor and Minister of Public Security Zhao Kezhi held phone talks with Kazakh Minister of Internal Affairs Yerlan Turgumbayev on June 7.
  Zhao stated that the phone call between Chinese President Xi Jinping and Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev on June 2 has laid out the direction for the continuous development of the longstanding China-Kazakhstan comprehensive strategic partnership. China is ready to fully implement the important consensus reached between the two heads of state, maintain regular strategic communication, and deepen practical cooperation in counter-terrorism, de-radicalization, security for major events and joint projects, as well as law enforcement in border areas, so as to substantiate the bilateral relations and earnestly secure stability of the two countries and the region at large.
  Turgumbayev expressed his willingness to implement the consensus reached between the two heads of state and deepen practical cooperation in law enforcement and security with China.
  Also present were Deputy Secretary General of the Chinese State Council Meng Yang, External Security Commissioner of the Foreign Ministry Cheng Guoping, and Assistant Minister of Public Security Chen Siyuan.
  王小洪表示,习近平主席和洪森首相2019年1月就中柬执法合作年达成重要共识,开启了中柬执法合作新篇章。两年多来,在赵克志国务委员和萨肯副首相的共同关心和有力指导下,中柬执法合作年积累了重要成功经验,双方始终坚持高位推动、坚持开拓创新、坚持守望相助,推动中柬执法合作取得了显著成效。中方愿同柬方一道,继续深化执法合作,完成中柬执法合作年工作计划,适时启动中柬联合严打犯罪专项行动,充分发挥中柬执法合作协调办公室作用,聚焦重大案件,联合打击恶性暴力犯罪、电信网络诈骗、跨国贩毒和组织偷渡等违法犯罪活动,抓捕遣返各类在逃犯罪人员,加强出入境管控、执法能力建设合作,持续支持“平安西港”建设,为推进中柬命运共同体建设、维护两国社会安全稳定、增进两国人民福祉做出新贡献。   奈萨文感谢中方对柬疫情防控工作的真诚帮助,高度评价两年来柬中执法合作成效,表示愿同中方落实好两国领导人共识,不斷深化柬中执法务实合作,努力取得更多实质性成果,有力维护两国安全稳定。
  Closing Meeting Held between China and Cambodia
  The closing meeting on the Year of Law Enforcement Cooperation between China and Cambodia was held on June 3 over video. Executive Deputy Minister of Public Security Wang Xiaohong and Cambodian National Police Commissioner General Neth Savoeun addressed the session.
  Wang said that Chinese President Xi Jinping and Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen reached important consensus on launching the Year of Law Enforcement Cooperation in January 2019, which opened a new chapter for this field. Over the past two years, both sides have gained valuable experience under the strong support and guidance of State Councilor Zhao Kezhi and Deputy Prime Minister Samdech Krolahom Sar Kheng. The two countries have promoted collaboration through efforts from top administrative bodies, continued to expand areas of cooperation, made innovations, and offered mutual assistance, thus achieving notable progress together. China is ready to work with Cambodia to deepen cooperation, complete all items on the agenda of the Year of Law Enforcement Cooperation, and start a joint campaign to combat crimes. Wang also called on the China-Cambodia Coordinating Office on Law Enforcement Cooperation to play a bigger role, and to prioritize major cases and crack down on criminal activities such as violent crimes, telecom and cyber fraud, cross-border drug trafficking, and organized illegal immigration. Both sides should work together to apprehend and repatriate fugitives of various kinds, enhance cooperation in border control and law enforcement, and support the Peaceful Sihanoukville Autonomous Port Initiative. These efforts will be conducive to the China-Cambodia community with a shared future, the stability of both countries, and the well-being of both peoples.
  Neth Savoeun lauded the kind assistance from China in epidemic prevention and control, and commended the progress achieved in the past two years. He stated that Cambodia is willing to carry out the consensus reached between the leaders of the two countries, continue to consolidate practical cooperation, deliver more tangible outcomes, and uphold peace and stability for both sides.
  (Translated by Agnes)
相关防疫措施  在首个新型冠状病毒病例出现后,莫桑比克总统菲利佩·贾辛托·纽西宣布加强疫情防控措施。从学前教育到高等教育的所有公共及私人学校和机构都被要求停课,集体性社会活动的人数上限从300人降低到50人,但出于公共利益开展的活动除外。纽西总统还宣布成立一个由来自公共卫生、媒体、社会科学研究和其他部门的专家组成的技术科学委员会,其具体任务是就预防疫情的功能性措施向政府提供建议,这样政府才能根据科
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美国铁路警察的发展早期发展  美国铁路警察的发展与美国铁路的发展密不可分。从19世纪30年代起,从马里兰州和南卡罗来纳州开始修建铁路,到50年代以后由东部向西扩建铁路,在铁路沿线兴起了一座座城镇,移民和冒险者也蜂拥而至,强盗、劫匪横行,枪战四起。在列车上偷盗、抢劫、列车员工的盗窃行为常有发生。1838年,第一支公立专业化警察部队在波士顿建立。巴尔的摩和俄亥俄铁路公司的总工程师本杰明·拉特罗布于18
跨境犯罪是全球面临的非传统安全威胁中最突出问题之一。近年来,几乎所有国际组织、区域性组织以及各国的国情报告,都几乎无一例外地将跨境犯罪列为影响本国、本地区和全球经济社会发展的消极因素。据世界银行统计,全球每年流动的跨境犯罪经费为1万亿-1.6万亿美元,其中多从发展中国家流向发达国家。未来的5G+ 时代,传统国际主权边界与国际法均面临着新考验,世界各国加强跨境刑事司法合作、开展更频繁和紧密的联合执法
公安部常务副部长王小洪9月2日同菲律宾警察总监伊莱扎尔视频会谈。  王小洪表示,习近平主席同杜特尔特总统8月27日通电话,两国元首达成的重要共识为深化中菲警务执法合作指明了方向。中方愿同菲方一道,认真贯彻落实两国元首重要共识,建立中菲警方定期会晤和热线联络机制,联合开展严厉打击跨境赌博、电信网络诈骗及其衍生犯罪行动,深化在禁毒、反恐及执法能力建设等领域的务实合作,加强多边领域协调和北京冬奥会安保合
据新华社消息,美国国会参议院6月8日就今年1月发生的国会山骚乱事件发布调查报告,认为多个联邦机构严重误判且未充分分享所截获的相关情报,是导致骚乱事件发生的重要原因。  报告认为,国会警察局情报部门、联邦调查局和国土安全部在骚乱发生前已截获相关威胁言论,但国会警察局情报部门认为国会山遭袭的可能性“很小”甚至“不可能”,未将全部情报告知警察局领导层和普通警察及其他执法机构。联邦调查局和国土安全部也低估
第二章:法庭判决  由于爱丽西在审讯室里提供了自己有一个皮条客的线索,这实际上就等于她向警方报了一个案中案。然而在审讯之后,阿克伦市警局却从未着手调查有关性奴贩卖和一个15岁女孩遭受性侵的指控,尽管后来该警局承认这些都是应该及时办理的。  不仅如此,在莱克警官将审讯报告呈交案发当地的萨米县检察局以后,爱丽西又开始了新的苦难旅程——在整个办案系统当中,负责她的案子的所有决策者比如探长、辩护律师、检方
2020年12月10日,美国首届执法设计奖(Law Enforcement Design Awards)揭晓, 21件全美执法和公共安全机构的杰出建筑和设计获奖。该奖由美国执法官媒体集团主办,每年评选一次,目的是帮助各级执法部门主管、警察局长及地方和市政领导人了解并跟上最新的执法部门和公共安全设施的趋势,为推动执法部门的工作效率、保障执法人员拥有安全的工作环境而设立。  “技术永远不会停止发展,执
据日本《每日新闻》5月11日报道,日本于4月12日正式启动老年人的新冠疫苗接种工作,长野县也随之推进老年人的优先接种工作。长野县警察日前表示,近日正在严查利用疫苗而实施的诈骗犯罪,并在各地疫苗接种现场宣传防诈骗活动。  长野县警方特殊诈骗防止对策室表示,截至9日,长野县尚未出现疫苗接种相关的特殊诈骗被害事件,但已确认两起可疑电话。对方自称是制药公司员工,和制造疫苗的公司有合作,承诺只要事先申请,就