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  Blooming Life and Animated Family——Guozhengzong
  时光流逝,慢慢地,我心目中的山城肇庆其实早就变成国际化的都市了。柴火变成了不合时宜的东西,我们在商店里随时都可以买到去了皮的绿豆,那么大的锅也不适合安装在大城市里的千家万户,柊叶与水草在山水里倒似乎越长越茂盛了,但年轻一辈的人却总是找不到时间去采摘。而且,在饭店里买一个现成的粽子是一件多么容易的事呢,虽然它达不到那种极致的味道,但终归你只是想吃一个粽子而已啊。   可是我好想念那些我和家人一起手作的粽子啊!想念那些勞作与等待,想念那些沸腾与芳香。由裹蒸粽,我总是毫无道理却顺理成章地想到两个词:繁花似锦,热闹非凡。
  When thinking about gas-tronomic delights in myhometown, I am alwayscontrarily weighed downwith a deep sorrow as I could not helpbut wonder what if I could not getany bite of them one day. After all,they are made out of local ingredientsand cooked through a complex proc-ess yet in simple ways.
  One of these delicacies isGuozhengzong, also known as stickyrice dumplings (made of glutinousrice stufFed with different fillings andwrapped in bamboo leaves). I bet youmust have eaten Zongzi and marveledat the good flavor of its certainkind, while that does not countunless you have tasted Guozheng-zong. There was even a hot debateon the Internet between Zongzieaters in north and south China.They argued on whether Zongzishould be salty or sweet, whilemy standpoint is much clear-Guozhengzong is one of a kind.
  I remember when I was study-ing in another province, I foundthe canteen on out campus wasselling Zongzi. I bought onewithout hesitation and ate it inhaste. After the first bite, I wascompletely disappointed and evenbecame exasperated, "How couldthis thing be called Zongzi? Whydo they make Zongzi in this way?"However, my classmates said, "It isZongzi indeed." I really hope thateveryone can come to my home-town to taste Guozhengzong.
  I come from Zhaoqing, a citysurrounded by mountains and wa-ters in Guangdong province, theeastern corner of Pearl River Delta.Roaming in Zhaoqing, you couldalways find city walls from theSong Dynasty (960-1279), ancientalleys lined with cyan slab stones,ruined ancestral halls, and peo-ple singing folk songs in flowers.Zhaoqing is a city of ease whilelacking the touches of modernlife, but it is such city that wouldbother to bustle from the begin-ning of the twelfth lunar month tothe very end of the lunar year onlyto make a pot of fresh Guozheng-zong amid expectations of the oldand the young in the family. Zhaoqing is also home toPhrynium which usually growsin jungle and beside water. Theirwide and pliable leaves in soft lightgreen have natural fragrance andare able to stand through winter.Besides, these leaves could relieveinternal heat and promote bloodcirculation in human body. Foodwrapped in Phrynium leaves couldbe kept though south Guangdongis hot and humid. Clever localsalready found that and used theseleaves to make Zongzi. Uponthe arrival of the twelfth lunarmonth, women of all householdswould go to pick Phryniumleaves and aquatic plants intheir familiar places. Afterthe harvest, they would placePhrynium leaves in a cool placein their house where it feels likespring with the leaves' delicatesmell wafting through the roomalthough it was in winter. Astime marched to the 26th dayin the twelfth lunar month,people in my hometown wouldget up early in the morning, putPhrynium leaves and aquaticplants in the water, and boilthem to maximize their pliabil-ity. After the boiling, the stinkof the leaves would be removed,leaving only the fragrance, andthe leaves' color will turn fromverdant to dark green. Afterthen, Phrynium leaves would berinsed in cold water to clear dusthidden along their veins. At thistime, the whole family had alreadygot busy preparing for makingZongzi. Some washed glutinousrice. Cleaner rice makes betterZongzi that can be eaten withina month. Only with clean leavesand glutinous rice can Zongzi bepreserved for such a long time.After the washing, someone wouldput salt in rice and place them in aspider to drain water; others likeme would soak mung beans inwater, and then put them on thestone mill to remove peel, whichwas so energy-consuming! Foreveryone to taste soft mung beans,I had really taken great efforts thatdeserve praises. Still others wouldcut streaky pork into tiny pieces,and then mix it with salt and pep-per or five-spice powder. My mom,a cooking master, took on this job asthe seasoning can directly determinewhether the Zongzi in your home arethe top-class ones.   When it was about noon, we hadeverything we need to make Zongzi.The whole family would sit aroundingredients and started to pack Zongzi.We placed three Phrynium leaves inhand, then put on the following in-gredients one by one-one spoonfulof glutinous rice, another spoonfulof mung beans, three or five piecesof streaky pork, and then anotherspoonful of mung beans, a spoonfulof glutinous rice, and then coveredwith a Phrynium leaf. We wrapped upingredients along the edges ofleaves,and then tied up with aquatic plants.Finally, a ten-square-centimeter Zongziwas finished. Though the process wastime-consuming, Zongzi made withthe efforts of the whole family wereenough for us to eat during the SpringFestival. It was almost evening whenwe finished. Time flies when all fam-ily members sat together, talked andlaughed while waiting for Zongzi comeout. Someone in my family wouldprepare simple lunch and dinner whenwe were waiting. What was especiallyimportant is that when we were aboutto complete, we would use a huge ironpot filled with water, make a fire, andwait to throw the wrapped Zongzi inboiling water.
  As night fell, water in the pot hadalready been boiled, and we wouldput Zongzi into the pot one by one.It was the best time of a day when wewaited around the pot. In ordinarydays, children are usually chased awayto sleep, leaving everything in silence.For only two days, children can stay upall night right and proper. One is theLunar New Year's Eve, and the otheris the night of cooking Zongzi. It wasreally a happy time even though wecould never make it till midnight with-out falling asleep. We all sat on a smallchair in the kitchen watching firewoodburning under the stove and hearingits crackling sound. Everyone's facewas lit up by red flames with warmthfilling the kitchen. For sure, we wouldput a few sweet potatoes in the cook-ing range, making a boisterous scene toscramble when they were roasted. Mydad liked to make a cup ofjasmine teaand put it on the stove base. The teawas always hot as it was warmed by thestove. At the same time, the kitchenwas heavy with the smell of freshlycooked Zongzi, The mix of strikingaroma of roasted sweet potatoes andotherwo rldly fragrance of j asmine teaalso spread in the kitchen. What hap-pened to Zongzi in the pot? I don'tknow, because we had already gone tosleep. Stillness enveloped the kitchenas if nothing had happened. Untilthe morning dawn, I heard my momshout, "Come for breakfast! Just pickZongzi from the pot!" Then we hurriedto the kitchen to find cooked Zongzihad already been waiting for us after anight of boiling! Under the tight wrap-ping of Phrynium leaves, the shapeof Zongzi had not changed at all. Themoment we opened Zongzi, our morn-ing appetite was woken up by its sheeraroma. The glutinous rice was lightlyscented and dyed with faint greenby Phrynium leaves. Shapeless mungbeans had already blended in glutinousrice. The fat of streaky pork drippedthrough glutinous rice and mungbeans to Phrynium leaves thatgradually absorbed the greasy smelltill there was only smoothness andsoftness. The mung beans soakedin juice ofstreaky pork stuck tothe steaming glutinous rice thatgave off the smell of spice pepper.Nothing could be compared withthese refreshing, soft and deliciousZongzi as our family spent one dayand one night to make them.   The food made with such con-certed efforts cannot be enjoyedalone. On the second day of theLunar New Year, we would beginto visit each other. Every familywould share their Zongzi with oth-ers, "We all make Zongzi, but youmust try this one from my family!"Although basic ingredients andcooking methods were roughlythe same, each family had itsown Zongzi recipe such as add-ing some kind of ingredients orseasoning. Was there somethingspecial about a certain step? Wecannot tell! Secret recipe! Inshort, Zongzi of every familyvaried. If there should be a No.1in the world, for me, of course,it would be those made in myhome.
  Time passes when we don'teven notice. Now, Zhaoqing, themountain city in my memoryhas already become an inter-national city. People don't usefirewood anymore, and peeledmung beans can be bought atany time in the store. Large potswe used in the past are not suita-ble for urban households. ThoughPhrynium leaves and aquaticplants seem to grow luxuriant inmountains and beside waters, theyounger generation always fails tospare time to pick them. Moreo-ver, how easy it is to buy a ready-made Zongzi in a restaurant.Although it does not have theultimate taste, you just want toeat a Zongzi after all.
  But I really miss the ZongziI made with my family! I missthe time we worked together andwaited for Zongzi to be cooked,I miss the boiling water and thefragrance back then. Two phrasesnaturally come to my mind whenI think of Guozhengzong in myhometown-flowering life andanimated family.
摘要:中国古代辩者提出的悖论,主要是一种广义上的悖论。墨家对这些悖论基本上一一进行了回应。胡适和沈有鼎曾经对中国古代辩者的这些悖论与墨家的回应做过部分考察。本文在此基础上做进一步全面把握,并深入讨论这些悖论的实质。  关键词:墨家 辩者 悖论  作者杨武金,中国人民大学哲学院教授、博士生导师(北京 100872)。  一、前言 [见英文版第29页,下同]  广义上的中国古代辩者,即指中国古代的名家
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孔子学院总部党委书记  欢迎大家参加孔子学院总部开放日!  今年开放日的主题是合作,是携手合作的伙伴。携手合作很容易让人联想起《诗经》里的“执子之手,与子偕老”。这句话在2400多年前就是讲伙伴关系,到今天演变成人们对爱情永恒的期待。  今天我们邀请到与孔子学院携手并进,一路同行的很多伙伴,塞浦路斯驻华人使安东尼斯.图码齐斯先生、加纳驻华大使爱德华,博阿滕先牛、爱尔兰驻华火使李修文先生、黑山驻华大