当今农村,想创一番事业的人不少,有的人想成为企业家,有的人想成为富甲一方的新型农民等等。但是,真正创业而艰苦奋斗的人却是少数。为什么,原因当然各有不同,而有一点却是相同的,就是想创业却又耐不了寂寞。 “外面的世界真精彩!”许多农村青年常常这样说。这话不错。农村青年三个一伙、五个一群的到城市打工,白天工作,晚上逛大街、聊大天、下象棋、打扑
In rural areas today, there are quite a few people who want to make a career, some want to become entrepreneurs, others want to become rich new farmers and so on. However, there are only a handful of people who really start their own businesses and work hard. Why, of course, have different reasons, but one thing is the same, that is, but can not afford to start a business loneliness. “The world outside is wonderful!” Many rural youth often say the same. This is not bad. Three groups of rural youth, a group of five to work in the city, work during the day, shopping at night, chatting day, chess, flutter