Study on the Flowering Habit and Pollen Viability of Rhododendron simii Planch.

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[Object] To investigate the flowering habit and pollen viability of Rhododendron simii Planch..[Method] Rhododendron simii test material,effects of sucrose concentrations,culture temperature,boric acid and Ca2+ on the pollen germination and tube growth were studied through in vitro culture method.[Result] The flower season of Rhododendron simii Planch.lasts 4 to 6 months with single flowering phase of 3-5 d;purple,2-6 flowers cluster in the end of branches;calyx 5-lobed,2-4 mm in length;funnel-form corolla,4-5 cm in length,5-lobed;7-10 stamens,purple anther;capitate stigmas.5% sucrose was proved to be the best for the germination of pollen,and the germination rate was the highest at 25 ℃ in daylight(more than 70%);the optimum combination for the germination of pollen was 20 mg/L boric acid + 10 mg/L CaCl2 +5% sucrose +0.5% agar,under this condition,the germination rate reached as high as 87%;Ca2+ had little effect on the germination of pollen in the range of 0-20 mg/L,while which played important role in the growth of pollen tube;the germination rate of pollen increased with boric acid concentration rose(0-20 mg/L),and the differences among the groups were obvious.[Conclusion] This study would provide reference for the biological engineering of Rhododendron simii further research. [Investigate] To investigate the flowering habit and pollen viability of Rhododendron simii Planch .. [Method] Rhododendron simii Planch. As test material, effects of sucrose concentrations, culture temperature, boric acid and Ca2 + on the pollen germination and tube growth were studied through in vitro culture method. [Result] The flower season of Rhododendron simii Planch.lasts 4 to 6 months with single flowering phase of 3-5 d; purple, 2-6 flowers cluster in the end of branches; calyx 5-lobed, 2 -4 mm in length; funnel-form corolla, 4-5 cm in length, 5-lobed; 7-10 stamens, purple anther; capitate stigmas.5% sucrose was proved to be the best for the germination of pollen, and the germination rate was the highest at 25 ° C in daylight (more than 70%); the optimum combination for the germination of pollen was 20 mg / L boric acid + 10 mg / L CaCl2 + 5% sucrose + 0.5% agar, under this condition , the germination rate reached as high as 87%; Ca2 + had little effect on the germination of pollen in the range of 0-20 mg / L while which played important role in the growth of pollen tube; the germination rate of pollen increased with boric acid concentration rose (0-20 mg / L), and the differences among the groups were obvious. [Conclusion] This study would provide reference for the biological engineering of Rhododendron simii further research.
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摘 要: 语文教学的终极目标是全面提高学生的语文素养,指导学生正确地理解和运用语言。在语文教学中,教师通过换词品析、省词品析、添词品析和换位品析对学生进行语言文字训练,能使学生学会从细微处去感悟文本,培养出良好的阅读方法。  关键词: 语言文字训练 换词品析 省词品析 添词品析 换位品析    何谓“语文”?1964年2月1日著名教育家叶圣陶先生在答复一位同志的来信时,对确定“语文”这一称谓作了说
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