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在解放区文艺运动中,戏剧的创作演出是最为活跃、最为普及、最富有群众性、最富战斗性、最能显示解放区文学实际的一个重要方面。远在土地革命时期,中央苏区、红军部队中,就有相当规模的戏剧活动。抗日战争、解放战争时期,从宝塔山下到华北山区,从冀鲁平原到大江南北,乃至白山黑水、天涯海角,凡是人民军队所到之处,民主政权建立的地方,都开展了广泛活跃的革命戏剧运动。各抗日根据地和解放区都有一支强大的戏剧队伍,除部队、地方的成百个专业文工团外,还有着成千上万农村业余剧团。他们与解放区广大军民相结合,以戏剧作刀枪,以舞台为战场。表现新的人物、新的世界,歌颂人民斗争、鼓舞群众斗志,成为“团结人民、教育人民、打击敌人、消灭敌人”的有力精神武器。对中国人民解放事业 In the liberation area of ​​literary and art movements, drama creation and performance is the most active, the most popular, the most mass-oriented, the most militant, the most can reveal the actual situation of the Liberated Area Literature is an important aspect. Far in the period of the Agrarian Revolution, Central Soviet Area, the Red Army forces, there is a considerable scale of theater activities. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, during the War of Liberation, a broad and active revolutionary theater movement was carried out from the foot of Pagoda to the mountainous areas of North China, from the plain of Ji Lu to the north and south of the Great River, to the Hebai Mountains, the ends of the earth, the places where the People's Army went and where democratic regimes were established. Each anti-Japanese base area and the liberated areas have a strong theater team, in addition to the troops, local hundreds of professional art troupe, there are tens of thousands of rural amateur theater. They combined with the vast majority of military and civilian people in the Liberated Areas to use drama as their weapon and the battlefield as a stage. Show new characters and a new world, eulogize the people's struggles and encourage the masses to fight their morale. They will become powerful spiritual weapons that “unite the people, educate the people, attack the enemy and destroy the enemy.” On the Chinese People's Liberation
奥运场馆赛后运营这一世界性难题,似乎在北京奥运找到了解答。北京奥运会主要标志性场馆在对社会开放不到一年的时间就实现了赢利,这在奥运历史上尚属首次。 Olympic Games
冬天雪花飘,  小朋友,怕感冒,  若要身体好,  室外多跑跑。  清晨要起早,  伸伸腰,伸伸脚,  做个深呼吸,  小细菌,跑掉了。  雪花飘呀飘,  小朋友,跑呀跑,  堆个小雪人,  你看好不好?
【摘 要】 在初中英语的教学过程中,词汇教学一直是困扰教师的教和学生的学的问题。特别是实施义务教育新课程以来,课本信息量倍增,生词扑面而来,词汇教学的有效性“供求”矛盾更加突出地表现出来。因此,初中英语词汇教学问题也就成为一个非常值得探讨的课题,同时也是当今英语教学中令教师最为头疼的一个难题。在教学过程中,教师必须正确指导和组织学生搞好英语词汇的学习。  【关键词】 英语课堂 词汇教学 策略 方案