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由山东省高等院校科技开发服务中心承担、省石材工业协会协助进行的饰面石材爆炸劈裂新技术,经两年的研试,已获成功。于1990年10月11日在济南通过由省科委组织的鉴定。该技术的成功,为石材开采创造了新的技术工艺,填补了国内空白。经与会有关专家评审后一致认为该技术在国内石材开采技术研究领域处于领先地位,接近国际先进水平,是国内首次提出爆炸劈裂的新理论、新技术;该技术包括与其相应的新材料、新工艺,其实验设计科 The technology of stone blasting and cracking assisted by the Shandong Science and Technology Development Service Center and assisted by the Stone Industry Association of Shandong Province has been successfully implemented after two years of research and development. On October 11, 1990 in Jinan, passed the appraisal organized by the Provincial Science Committee. The success of this technology has created new technological processes for stone mining and filled the domestic gap. After reviewing by relevant experts, the company unanimously held that this technology is in a leading position in the domestic stone mining technology research field and is close to the international advanced level. It is the first time that a new theory and new technology for explosive blasting has been proposed in China. The technology includes new materials and new materials corresponding to it. Process, its experimental design department
热点材料:继2003年10月15日中国神舟五号载人飞船成功发射后,神舟六号载人飞船于2005年10月12日成功发射. 据悉,神舟六号的发射是对我国“多人多天”载人航天技术的一次考核,
As an important part of women's human rights system, women's labor right for the women as a group is of very important value and profound significance. The exis
和往常一样,闹钟响过两遍,美国马里兰州艾奇逊小学三年级的男孩托尼,就会自己从床上爬起,穿戴整齐,下楼吃早餐。 As usual, the alarm rang twice, Tony, third-year Acheso
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我国改革开放30年来,建筑教育取得了长足的发展,设有建筑学专业的院校已由1 966年的11个增至180多所,并建立起建筑学专业评估制度,现有30多个院校通过了评估,达到了一定的标