两岸三地联手 前景不可估量——访香港远东贸易服务中心主任吴杰民

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近年港台贸易发展迅速,由香港转口贸易及两岸间接贸易亦大幅度增长,就港台及两岸三地间的经贸现状与前景,记者近日拜访了新上任的香港远东贸易服务中心主任吴杰民。“九七”后,香港的中介角色亦不可替代祖籍内蒙古的吴先生高大魁梧,言谈豪爽。他介绍说,香港远东贸易服务中心是台湾对外贸易驻港机构,其主要业务是协助台商了解香港市场,加强与港府沟通,并加强与各国驻港商务机构的联络,荟集大陆和香港商务资讯,通过举办研讨会等活动,推介台湾产品。吴先生履新后,该中心已协办了台湾自创品牌协会在此举行的年会及港岛商界人士座谈会等活动。在谈到发展迅速的港台贸易时,吴先生说,由于大陆迈向市场经济改革,使香港转口贸易及两岸间接贸易大幅度增长,去年港台双边贸易额已逾二百亿美元,而香港也成为台湾第二大出口市场。在港台贸易中,两岸经香港转口占六成以上,因此,香港这个中介地角色日益重要。谈到“九七”以后或两岸直航后香港的地位时,他认为,无论在金融服务、运输及通讯设备等多方面,香港在东南亚地区仍然是首屈一指的。即使短期内受影响,相信商界人士在经过观望后,又会迅即起步的。因而他对“九七”后维持香港经济的繁荣仍抱着乐观态度。 In recent years, the trade between Hong Kong and Taiwan has developed rapidly. The re-export trade in Hong Kong and the cross-strait indirect trade have also grown substantially. On the current situation and prospects of trade between Hong Kong, Taiwan and the two sides of the strait, the reporter recently visited Wu Jiemin, the newly appointed director of the Hong Kong Far East Trade Service Center. After 1997, the intermediary role of Hong Kong cannot substitute for Mr. Wu, a native of Inner Mongolia. He explained that the Hong Kong Far East Trade Service Center is a foreign trade resident agency in Hong Kong. Its main business is to assist Taiwanese businessmen in understanding the Hong Kong market, strengthen communication with the Hong Kong government, and strengthen liaison with overseas commerce agencies in Hong Kong, merging the mainland and Hong Kong. Business information, through seminars and other activities, promote Taiwan products. After Mr. Wu took up the new post, the center has co-sponsored the annual conference held by Taiwan’s own brand association and Hong Kong’s business community symposium. When talking about the rapid development of Hong Kong-Taiwan trade, Mr. Wu said that due to the reforms in the market towards the market economy, Hong Kong’s re-export trade and cross-strait indirect trade have grown dramatically. Last year, bilateral trade volume between Hong Kong and Taiwan exceeded US$20 billion, and Hong Kong’s It also became the second largest export market in Taiwan. In the Hong Kong-Taiwan trade, Hong Kong and Taiwan’s re-exports account for more than 60% of Hong Kong. Therefore, the role of Hong Kong as an intermediary is increasingly important. When it comes to the status of Hong Kong after the “1997” or direct flights between the two sides of the strait, he believes that Hong Kong is still second to none in terms of financial services, transportation and communications equipment, etc. in Southeast Asia. Even if it is affected in the short term, I believe that business people will start immediately after they have waited and watched. Therefore, he remains optimistic about the economic prosperity of Hong Kong after 1997.
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