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目前,我国以建立社会主义市场经济体制为目标的经济体制改革,像大海里的航船已驶入风大浪高的深水领域,新旧体制转轨中诸多深层次矛盾的相互摩擦、冲撞日益加剧。因此下大力气搞好宏观调控,及时研究解决前进中的问题,做到在确保总量基本平衡的前提下,加快经济发展尤为重要。去年以来,在邓小平同志南巡讲话和党的十四大精神鼓舞下,全国人民的思想进一步解放,各项改革措施的出台和迅速实施,使得国民经济发展呈现高速增长势头。据统计,今年一季度国民生产总值比去年同期增长15.1%,乡及乡以上工业增长22.4%,进入4月份以来,经济增长仍然很快;工业实现利税比去年同期增长41.4%,工业产销同步增长,产销衔接看好,市场供应繁荣,进出口贸易空前活跃。这些表明,抓住机遇,加快改革和发展,已成为全国人民的共同意志和行动。 At present, the economic structural reform aimed at establishing a socialist market economic system in our country is like an ocean-going sailing ship having entered the deep-water area with deep waves and waves. The conflicts between the many new and old systems have been mutually frictions and conflicts intensified. Therefore, making great efforts to improve macroeconomic regulation and control and timely studying and solving the problems in progress will be particularly important in accelerating economic development on the premise of ensuring the basic balance of the total amount. Since last year, inspired by Comrade Deng Xiaoping’s southern tour speech and the spirit of the 14th CPC National Congress, people’s thinking has been further emancipated and the promulgation and implementation of various reform measures have brought about rapid growth in the national economy. According to statistics, in the first quarter of this year, the gross national product (GNP) increased by 15.1% over the same period of last year and that of the townships and rural areas increased by 22.4%. Since April, the economic growth is still fast. The profits and taxes of industries have increased by 41.4% over the same period of last year. Growth, promising production and marketing convergence, market supply and prosperity, unprecedented unprecedented import and export trade. All these show that seizing the opportunity and speeding up reform and development have become the common aspiration and actions of the people throughout the country.
《中国社会保障》杂志理事会于2010年12月11日在北京召开座谈会,邀请人社部相关业务司负责人,就《社会保险法》贯彻实施和“十二五”时期社会保障体 On December 11, 2010,
【摘要】应用型本科教育是高等教育在知识经济社会和高等教育大众化背景下的共同选择和普遍趋势,大学英语教学对于实现高素质应用型人才的培养目标起到至关重要的作用。论文依据需求理论,结合本校实际分析应用型人才的内涵和培养目标对英语的需求,探讨地方院校本科应用型人才培养中大学英语课程改革的思路。  【关键词】大学英语 目标需求 应用型人才  【基金项目】此文是作者2011年校级高教课题中期成果。  【中图分
本文是社会科学院研究生院三位研究生向国务院体制改革委员会写的建议书,这一建议受到体改委领导同志的重视,特发表于此,供研究参考。 This article is a proposal submitte