Shihezi,Pearl of Gebi Desert,the Largest Cotton Textile City in China's West——Song Yunfeng,Dire

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The following information is taken from the speaker who intended to give his speech at the Sixth China International Cotton Textile Conference (2009) in Xinjiang. But the meeting was called off on short notice. There should have been a good opportunity for local governments at various levels to introduce Xinjiang and its different cities for investment-inviting purpose. Shihezi is one of those beautiful cities and has become the largest cotton textile town in China’s west. To keep his original speech intact, the editor did not make any redaction even though some sentences sound out of place now. But the information inside is true to life and might be interesting to business peers and investors. The following information is taken from the speaker who intended to give his speech at the Sixth China International Cotton Textile Conference (2009) in Xinjiang. But the meeting was called off on short notice. There should have been a good opportunity for local governments at various levels to introduce Xinjiang and its different cities for investment-inviting purpose. Shihezi is one of those beautiful cities and has become the largest cotton textile town in China’s west. To keep his original speech intact, the editor did not make any redaction even though some sentences sound out of place now. But the information inside is true to life and might be interesting to business peers and investors.
照镜时,忽然惊叫:我有白头发了——如临大敌,急急地拔下来,还拔错了,弹有虚发,居然拔了几根才对了。  后来,后来,英雄气短了,因为,白花花一片,至少有几十根,还拔吗?  当然不拔了。拔不过来了,于是小心翼翼地上网查,怎么可以治早生华发?  头发乌黑是因为头发里含有一种黑色素,黑色素含量越多,头发的颜色就越黑;反之,黑色素含量越少,头发的颜色就越淡……这样的说明文居然看得很仔细,那篇文章叫《头发为什
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