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无论中西美学存在怎样的差异,对美之根源的本体论探询都是必然发生的。因“理念”和“天道”的文化差异,中西古代美学的本体论具有不同的形态,但又因其同属古代范畴而具有历史的共同性。近代以来人的个体感性地位的提升导致柏拉图理念世界的崩塌,本体论的人学重构成为西方美学的新课题;中国传统本体论自宋明以来亦出现明显的变化,形成不同于西方美学的独特的运行轨迹。人的存在有个体性和社会性两个方面,本体论的人学重构亦有“生存本体”和“历史本体”两个维度;前者偏重内在生命,它为“历史本体”提供人性的理想和导向,后者偏重外部生活,它为“生存本体”提供现实的根基和底蕴。本体论的人学重构以对峙互补的方式呈现出来,一旦割裂两者的关系,无论何者胜出,内外两个维度将同时发生变异并随之收敛封闭;中国“后实践美学”所崇尚的“生存本体”正是这种变异的产物。审视并勾连百年来本体论人学重构的历史,推进“生史二本”的发展,这是中国美学从古代突围的基本途径。 No matter what the difference between Chinese and Western aesthetics, the ontological inquiry into the root of beauty is inevitable. Due to the cultural differences between “idea” and “heaven”, the ontology of Chinese and Western ancient aesthetics has different forms, but because of its common category, it has the same history. Since the rise of the individual’s perceptual status in modern times, it has led to the collapse of the world of Platonic philosophy and the reconstruction of ontological humanism as a new topic of western aesthetics. Since the Song and Ming Dynasties, Chinese traditional ontology has also undergone obvious changes, forming a different form from western aesthetics Unique running track. The existence of man has both individuality and sociality. The reconstruction of anthropology of ontology also has two dimensions: “living entity” and “historical entity”. The former emphasizes inner life, which is “the historical entity ”To provide the ideals and guidance of human nature, the latter emphasis on external life, it “ living ontology ”to provide the real foundation and background. Ontological Renaissance is presented in the way of confrontation and complementarity. Once the relationship between the two is broken, no matter which one wins out, both the inner and the outer dimensions will change at the same time and converge and close. The advocacy of post-practice aesthetics in China “Living ontology ” is the product of this variation. It is the basic way for Chinese aesthetics to break through ancient times by examining and concocting the history of the ontology of human studies for a hundred years and promoting the development of “two books of life and history.”
趋善是人的本能,而“起名”,或说“请叫我元琪”,是趋向本己的善,是对“凶”的一种规避;本人生病住院,却对儿女说,“我在新加坡旅行”,更深地体现了一种善意和一种慈爱。两篇小说各有千秋,你不妨看看。请叫我元琪  身在山东的妹妹又当外婆了。她的第二个外孙女二宝出生了。  我正琢磨给孩子送什么贺礼时,妹妹打来电话说,姐,你就不用考虑别的,去东岳庙帮助我们起个好名字吧。  那几日我正出差,等到落实这个“任务
加缪指出: “真正的严肃的哲学问题只有一个:自杀.”作为时代的良心,诗人之死最严厉地拷问时代本身,恰如海子.海子迷离扑朔的自杀成为20世纪90年代中国社会转型期的最后一抹
安静的蓝房子  安静的云层  安静的绿公园  安安静静的老人  有风时  榆树的叶子懒懒地动了两下子  安静的  隔夜街道  散发一种干净的气息  真好呀 那些安静的呼吸  內心的隐秘的花园身体静静腐烂在山谷  你住在哪儿  我的回答有些悲哀啊  这些年飘忽不定  90年那个炎热又漫长的夏天  山村公路  两旁开满了紫色的紫荆花  回荡在寂静的山谷  我一个人独自沉想  如果我没有从这条山村公路走