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应用电路分析程序SPICE的一个先决条件是要给出晶体管的各种模型参数.模型参数的精度,在很大程度上决定电路分析的精度.快速确定晶体管模型参数是在生产中监控集成电路的性能和成品率的重要手段之一.此外,模型参数的自动提取还可以为建立版图尺寸、工艺条件、模型参数等几个方面的数据库起重要作用.所以,模型参数的自动提取系统是电路和集成电路工艺的计算机辅助设计、分析的重要工具. MOSFET模型参数提取系统经过一个直接测量的方法,可靠、迅速、有效地提取出MOSFET模型参数.整个系统包括硬件和软件两大部分.硬件的功能是利用IBM-PC个人计算机自动产生对被测器件所需要的控制电流、电压信号,通过逐点扫描的方法将被 A prerequisite for applying the circuit analysis program SPICE is to give the various model parameters of the transistor.The accuracy of the model parameters largely determines the accuracy of the circuit analysis The rapid determination of the transistor model parameters is to monitor the performance of the integrated circuit in production And yield an important means.Moreover, the automatic extraction of model parameters can also play an important role in establishing a database of several aspects such as layout size, process conditions, model parameters, etc. Therefore, the automatic extraction of model parameters is a combination of circuit and integration Circuit technology CAD-based design and analysis of an important tool. MOSFET model parameter extraction system through a direct measurement method to reliably, quickly and effectively extract the MOSFET model parameters. The whole system includes two parts of hardware and software. The function of the hardware is The use of IBM-PC personal computer automatically generated on the device under test control current and voltage signals, through the point-by-point scanning method will be
由极性半导体GaAs,GaP 等和非极性半导体Ge,Si等构成的异质结构,为高速集成和光电子集成技术的发展提供了新的机会,同时也为基础物理研究提出了新的课题.本文简要介绍极性/非极性半导体异质结
愿景是美丽的,而要用权威的实力数据说服顾客,中华英才网还有一段路要走。下一步,中华英才网将会怎样做营销?    在记者的面前,是三个尹丹岭。一个是穿着超大黑色风衣,手拎沉重LV电脑包,奔波一天只顾得上啃几口面包的风风火火的职业经理人,一个是充满理性和智慧,津津乐道谈论市场、营销和IT技术的综合型实战专家;还有一个,是褪去风衣后一袭唐装的娇媚女人,享受着事业、家庭双馨的幸福。  就是这样一位女性,因
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自主创新是胡锦涛总书记视察安徽的主题之一。芜湖市深入学习贯彻总书记的重要讲话精神,紧密联系芜湖实际,大力提高自主创新能力,加快产业结构优化升级,保 Independent inno
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