优化经营结构 拓展经营市场

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在国家经济几次调整、企业效益滑坡、建设市场竞争激烈的困境中,适时调整经营战略,挖掘内部潜力,不断拓展经营门路,走内伸外延发展的路子。经过几年努力,初步建立了适合公司实际的,包括建筑安装、设备制造、检修保全、实业开发、社会服务等经营结构。形成了全民、集体、联营等多种经济成分并存的新格局,使企业得到稳步发展。我们在调整结构、拓展经营中主要做了以下工作: 一、面向市场,调整经营结构施工企业能不能发展商品经济,怎样发展商品生产,我们经历了一个认识过程。我公司是参加六十年代大庆石油会战的老队伍。随队家属多、农村户口多、待业子女逐年增加;企 In the dilemma of several adjustments in the national economy, the decline in corporate profits, and fierce competition in the construction market, the Bank adjusted its business strategy in a timely manner, tapped internal potentials, continuously expanded its operating range, and followed the path of development within itself. After several years of hard work, we have initially established a management structure that is suitable for the company’s actual situation, including construction and installation, equipment manufacturing, maintenance and maintenance, industrial development, and social services. Formed a new pattern of coexistence of various economic components such as the whole people, collectives, and joint ventures, enabling the company to develop steadily. We have mainly done the following work in adjusting the structure and expanding our operations: 1. Market-oriented, adjusting the operating structure We have experienced a process of understanding whether construction companies can develop a commodity economy or how to develop commodity production. Our company is an old team that participated in the oil campaign in Daqing in the 1960s. With the family members of the team, rural households and unemployed children increasing year by year;
本文介绍美国军工结构调整所处的背景和军工结构调整对坦克生产厂的影响以及提高军工生产和开发能力的措施。 This article describes the background of the restructuring
1991年10月18日在部务会研究“地矿部物探、化探、遥感工作会议”文件时,朱训同志作了重要指示,对今后物探、化探、遥感工作的开展具有指导意义.现征得同意,予以发表. On Oc
借问将星何处多,知者遥指荣成市。 在1392平方公里的土地上竟能诞生130多位将军,这不能不说这是一个奇迹。在这块神奇的土地上,人们那纯朴憨厚的品质,坚韧刚强的意志,诚实淳