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有的同行说:“概括,是新闻写作中不可缺少的一种基本叙述手法。”言之有理。不论写消息,还是写通讯,必要时概括得好,不仅能使报道简短精练,又能使读者从寥寥数语中可窥全貌。所以,许多精彩的新闻作品,写作都离不开概括,并且把准确的概括和细节的描写有机地结合起来。否则,在新闻中孤孤单单罗列事例,尽管每个事例是精彩的,却无法捏拢,更难写成一篇完整之作。再有,一条消息或一篇通讯,开头和结尾以及英发每个段落的启承转合,有时也离不开概括。只有概括得当、巧妙,消息或通讯不只有 Some colleagues said: “Generalization is an indispensable basic narrative technique in news writing.” Whether writing news or writing newsletters, it can be summed up well if necessary, not only to make the report short and concise, but also to give the reader a glimpse of the whole picture from a few words. Therefore, many wonderful news works and writing can not be separated, and the accurate summary and the description of the details are organically combined. Otherwise, the case is lone in the news alone, and although each case is wonderful, it can not be pinched and harder to write as a complete book. Moreover, a news or a newsletter, beginning and ending, as well as the initiation and reincarnation of each paragraph in the British communique can not be separated from each other. Only summary, clever, news or communication not only
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