Robust H_∞ guaranteed cost satisfactory fault-tolerant control for discrete-time systems with quadra

来源 :Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:hyxh4388488
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The problem of robust H∞ guaranteed cost satisfactory fault-tolerant control with quadratic D stabilizability against actuator failures is investigated for a class of discrete-time systems with value-bounded uncertainties existing in both the state and control input matrices.Based on a more practical and general model of actuator continuous gain failures,taking the transient property,robust behaviour on H∞ performance and quadratic cost performance requirements into consideration,sufficient conditions for the existence of satisfactory fault-tolerant controller are given and the effective design steps with constraints of multiple performance indices are provided.Meanwhile,the consistency of the regional pole index,H∞ norm-bound constraint and cost performance indices is set up for fault-tolerant control.A simulation example shows the effectiveness of the proposed method. The problem of robust H∞ guaranteed cost satis fault-tolerant control with quadratic D stabilizability against actuator failures is investigated for a class of discrete-time systems with value-bounded uncertainties existing in both the state and control input matrices. Based on a more practical and general model of actuator continuous gain failures, taking the transient property, robust behavior on H∞ performance and quadratic cost performance requirements into consideration, sufficient conditions for the existence of satis fault-tolerant controller are given and the effective design steps with constraints of multiple performance indices are provided. Meanwhile, the consistency of the regional pole index, H∞ norm-bound constraint and cost performance indices is set up for fault-tolerant control. A simulation example shows the effectiveness of the proposed method.
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