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答:提到金字塔,人们自然联想到埃及金字塔和美洲金字塔.但是人们对前者了解得较为详细,对后者却比较生疏.实际上,尽管两者名称相同,却有极大区别,根据现有资料可知这些区别表现在以下几方面.首先,建造金字塔的目的和用途不同.我们知道,埃及金字塔是埃及古王国时代(公元前2686~2181年)法老的陵墓,用来存放法老的尸体—木乃伊.法老以此表示其死后继续对埃及的统治.美洲金字塔则不同,它是玛雅—阿斯特克时期(约公元前 A: When it comes to the pyramid, people naturally think of the pyramids of Egypt and the Pyramid of America, but people understand the former in more detail and the latter are more strange. In fact, although the two names are the same, there is a great difference. According to the existing According to the information, these differences are manifested in the following aspects: Firstly, the purpose and purpose of constructing the pyramid are different, and we know that the Egyptian pyramid is the pharaoh’s tomb of Pharaoh in the ancient Kingdom of Egypt (2686 ~ 2181 BC) As a sign of Pharaoh’s continued rule over Egypt after his death, the American Pyramid was different and was the period of Mayan-Asticke (about BC
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