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随着新课改的不断深入,人们对学生的学习方式给予了高度关注,学校更是倡导以学生为主体,将自主、合作、探究的学生方式渗入课堂教学中,使学生在课堂中知道怎样学习。为了更好的适应新课改的需求,需要教师在教学过程中慎重、科学、合理的选择教学方法,其中“课堂留白”就是一种适合学生的,能够引发学生思考与探究、想象与联想的,使学生有更多发挥空间的教学方法。 With the continuous deepening of the new curriculum reform, people pay great attention to the students ’learning methods. The school advocates students as the main body to infiltrate students’ ways of self-reliance, cooperation and inquiry into classroom teaching so that students can know in the classroom Learn. In order to better meet the needs of the new curriculum reform, teachers need to be careful, scientific and reasonable choice of teaching methods in the teaching process, in which “classroom white ” is a suitable for students, can lead students to think and explore, imagine And Lenovo, so that students have more room to play teaching methods.
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我们中文系有一门可有可无的课——人际交往。那时候,我们班很多人都有过逃课的记录,但惟独这门课我们从不缺席。 教这门课的教授姓文,他博学多才,课讲得栩栩如生,让我们受