Book therapy: An old idea finds new life 书疗:破除旧观念,重获新生

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  The library of Pharaoh Ramesses Ⅱ is said to have borne the inscription(题词) “the house of healing for the soul”. Dylan Thomas reportedly liked to relax by reading Agatha Christie while he sucked sweets in the bathtub. The novelist Yiyun Li turns to War and Peace in the toughest times. When she launched a virtual reading group on Tolstoy’s masterpiece in lockdown, 3,000 people signed up.
  In recent years, a growing body of research has backed up our idea that books not only entertain and educate, but can also help us to recover and grow. They offer companionship to the lonely, insight to the anxious, and release to those who feel trapped.
  This is the impulse that has stirred Ann Cleeves, creator of the fictional detectives Vera and Jimmy Perez, to co-sponsor a bibliotherapy plan in the north-east, working with public health teams. Doctors, community workers and others will be able to refer individuals struggling with chronic(長期的) pain, mental health problems and loneliness to five reading coaches.
  Bibliotherapy often refers to the use of texts that are directly relevant to the patient’s con-dition. Book Prescription Wales, for example, lends high-quality self-help titles to people with problems including stress and anger. A review of several studies found such schemes have a long-term effect upon reducing depression, and National Institute for Clinical Excellence guide-lines recommend it as a possible treatment.
  But Cleeves has a broader ideal in mind. She described how reading and writing fiction when her late husband was recovering from a mental disorder helped her to understand her own response and allowed her to escape into a different world. The reading coaches will match their patients with poetry and novels as well as non-fiction, and will introduce them to librarians and other readers. Books offer us a way back to people as well as a retreat from them; studies have suggested that regular readers of fiction are more able to relate to others.
  Of course, what is uplifting to one reader will seem depressing to another; what one finds unapproachably grim may be comforting to the next. Some may respond to the children’s classic The Secret Garden while others will recognize themselves in Karl Ove Knausgard or Toni Morrison’s novels. The task for the reading coaches will be to figure out who needs W.G. Sebald and who requires P.G. Wodehouse, who will find themselves in the pages of Queenie and who will prefer King Lear—or, indeed, an account of Ramesses Ⅱ’s world. An ancient idea has found fresh resonance(共鸣).   1. Why does the author mention Dylan Thomas and Yiyun Li in Para. 1?
  A. To describe their reading habits.
  B. To introduce a new phenomenon.
  C. To showcase the impact of lockdown.
  D. To interpret the inscription of the library.
  2. What does paragraph 2 mainly talk about?
  A. The process of reading.
  B. The healing effect of books.
  C. A traditional belief on reading.
  D. A new conclusion of a research.
  3. What can be inferred about bibliotherapy plan in the north-east?
  A. It is entirely a non-profit organization.
  B. It was launched by Vera and Jimmy
希望每一个来侗乡的人,都可以发现侗布的美——这是侗赏之所以存在的理由。  清晨,在稻香中醒来。  有些迷糊,推开窗,外面果然是一片稻田。让我想起儿时的故乡,是水稻抽穗的季节了啊。微风过,稻花的香气更加浓郁,沁人心脾。哦,这里不是故乡,这是在侗赏。  昨日进入贵州黎平的肇兴侗寨,玩得有些忘形。这边是相望的鼓楼,那里是相连的花桥,河流穿寨而过,在梯田间散步,不时能见侗家儿女在田间劳作……  到达侗赏,
“她热情似火又冷若冰霜,而我则沉浸在她熔化又凝固的过程中,反复着,找到了最幸福的瞬间。”  2006年,彭怡留学英国选读艺术与设计专业,但却在英国国家玻璃中心参观时将一切都改变,那是彭怡第一次看到别人制作玻璃,她甚至觉得这些人被五彩光芒笼罩着,她义无反顾地想要靠近。  在英国留学的日子里,彭怡与英国的导师的一段对话,让她印象深刻。“有一次,我提到茶文化是中国的传统文化时,导师提醒我说‘茶文化也是英
日本的“收纳女王”近藤麻理惠因为特别会整理、收纳登上《时代周刊》。她把自己数十年的收纳经验写成书后,该书被翻译成多国语言,全球销量近百万!无数粉丝直呼:“她拯救了我的生活!”  How does keeping things tidy change people psychologically? You gain greater confidence in yourself. Also, you
水,是杭州最动人的景致。纵观杭州数千年的发展历程,这座城市与水息息相关。灵秀的西湖、浩荡的钱塘、恢弘的运河……丰沛的水系,不但勾勒出杭州冠绝天下的山水美景,风雅闲适、温润精致的人文气质,更滋养出千年不绝、名传四海的锦绣天工。  一湖,一江,一河,是美景,是历史,是文化,是杭州。  西湖  从某种程度上来说,西湖的历史大抵就是杭州的历史,杭州的文化就是西湖的文化。这座城市璀璨的人文历史,在西子湖畔的
在一楼做手工,在二楼随意伸展,这也许是民宿里最有艺术感的一间。  在遇到Fiona以前,这间房还只是东三环街边一座普通的住房,人们每天行色匆匆从门前经过,但却不曾想象过从二楼窗外远眺的景色。但Fiona却独具慧眼地看上了这里:不大不小90平方米的空间,挑高的客厅,通透敞亮,二楼推开窗就可眺望CBD的全貌,如果重新设计与装修,会让更多人喜欢。  来当掌柜吧  Fiona从中央美术学院毕业后,压根儿没
名人扎堆的地方,就是时尚的秀场。刘嘉玲的婚礼高调奢华,两岸三地的贵妇、巨星云集不丹,HERMES、PRADA、LV等名牌包的Iogo看得人眼花缭乱。而大家最关注的还是引领时尚的王菲提什么包,低调的黑色编织质地,找不到任何显眼的logo。没有logo依然耀眼到灼目,天后的气场正是BV格言的复制“When your own initials areenough(当你的称号已经足够证明身份)”。  是什
2010年5月29日,由本刊主办的“全民手工创意DIY大赛”在重庆图书馆热烈举行。这是一场倡导全民手工的聚会,也是一场创意力量的集中展示,更是为6月12日中国第五个非物质文化遗产日进行宣传与预热。  在活动现场,各种创意作品让观众大饱眼福——从隽秀雅致的木书签到惟妙惟肖的软陶,从花团锦簇的卡通花束到乖巧可爱的布偶,从大方实用的布艺书套到阳刚威猛的兵人……手工达人的巧思妙手给大家留下了深刻的印象。 
婚嫁  一、关键词  60年代  关键词革命  代表物件:  洗脸盆,牡丹花, 一台大钟墙上挂。  缝纫机,单摆下,飞鸽车子带衣架。  绒衣绒裤不能少,涤纶涤卡更潇洒。  70年代    关键词 简朴   代表物件:  的确良,花浪浪,擦油皮鞋好样样。  收录机,四喇叭,唱歌说书笑哈哈。  80年代  关键词 旅游   代表物件:  沙发床,电视机,箱子柜子分高低,  衣架挂着呢大衣,小两口笑眯眯
最开始对虹影家的印象,还停留在她的自传体小说《饥饿的女儿》里的描写:“一间正房,只有十平方,朝南一扇小木窗,钉着六根柱子,像囚室。我家幸好还有一间阁楼,不到十平方,最低处只有半人高,夜里起来不小心,头会碰在屋顶上,把青瓦撞得直响。有个朝南的天窗,看得见灰暗的天。”  这是虹影18岁时在重庆的家。后来她旅居海外,又回到北京,并在朝阳区一个公寓楼里安了家。去她家之前,和她通了个电话,她说:“我家中的每