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一直以来都在大肆宣传“氢燃料”的优越性,虽然早在2005年,劳埃德就提出不同看法,但是主流思想却依旧强势。而今又有一位学者——朱利安·考克斯指出,氢燃料电池汽车并没有那么环保。朱利安·考克斯认为:目前氢燃料电池汽车比电池电动车昂贵得多,并且在接下来的几十年内都会如此。虽然这种情况会使得氢燃料电池汽车在大众市场上短期内不具有竞争力,但是大量的政府资金,依旧不断地注入这些不具有竞争力的车辆及其配套基础设施的研究和开发中。而真正荒谬的是,这些做法竟然是以保护环境为名义进行的,全然不顾具有成本竞争力的电池电动汽车(BEVs)更加环保,而且在可以预见的未来仍将更加绿色 The superiority of “hydrogen fuel” has long been hyped, though as early as 2005, Lloyds put forward different views, but the mainstream thinking is still strong. Now there is a scholar - Julian Cox pointed out that hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are not so environmentally friendly. Julian Cox believes that at present hydrogen fuel cell vehicles are much more expensive than battery electric vehicles and will do so over the next few decades. Although this situation will make hydrogen fuel cell vehicles less competitive in the mass market in the short term, a large amount of government funds will continue to be injected into the research and development of these uncompetitive vehicles and their supporting infrastructure. What is truly absurd is that these practices are actually done in the name of protecting the environment, totally disregarding the fact that the cost-competitive BEVs are more environmentally friendly and will still be greener in the foreseeable future
  本文先就宫颈癌宫颈癌治疗指南(NCCN 2010)进行了分析,之后介绍了腹膜后淋巴结切除术中需注意的骨盆漏斗韧带处理、骸主韧带处理、子宫动脉处理、输尿管前鞘处理、输尿管
  目的:探讨山东省青岛地区妇女宫颈癌组织中人乳头瘤病毒16型(HPV16)上游调控区(URR)和E6基因序列多态性,病毒主要分支,以及他们与宫颈癌的相关性。   方法:从43例HPV16阳
Objective: The aim of our study was to investigate the correlation between the expression of sodium/iodide symporter, serum levels of β2-MG and prognosis of th
父:“军事片大师”汤晓丹    汤晓丹素以拍摄军事题材影片见长。这位从未侧身行伍的布衣导演,却被人们冠以“银幕将军”的美誉。主要原因乃是由于汤晓丹尤其擅长刻画战争环境中的人情与人性,以人的情感和人的心灵柔化了战争的残酷与坚硬。  作为一名导演,汤晓丹是以自己的良知感召着大众,并以艺术的方式呼唤民心。三十年代,汤晓丹执导的《飞絮》获得成功后,他畅谈体会:“以正确的意识鼓励大众向合理的社会生活前进。”