一直以来总有些读者问我“飞机的日常推护和定期检查是怎么进行的?”。虽然自己是学航发专业的,但毕竟还没有接触过飞机的检修工作,对于飞机具体需要进行哪些检测和保养我一无所知。为此,近日我深入到北航哈尔滨飞机维修厂,目睹了飞机的定检过程。 5日我们一行3人来到位于哈尔滨太平国际机场的北航哈尔滨飞机维修厂。上午9时30分,在厂方人员陪同下进入东北地区最大的飞机库——北航哈尔滨维修厂维修机库。这是一座三机位机库可同时容纳3架MD-82客机停靠,是飞机定检的主要工作区。
Some readers have always asked me “How does the routine maintenance and periodic inspection of aircraft proceed?” Although I was a professional aviation school, but after all, have not been exposed to the aircraft overhaul work, for the specific needs of the aircraft what testing and maintenance I know nothing. To this end, I recently went deep into the northern branch of Harbin Aircraft Maintenance Factory, witnessed the plane’s inspection process. On the 5th, our group of 3 people came to Harbin Aircraft Maintenance Factory of Northern Airlines at Harbin Taiping International Airport. At 9:30 am, accompanied by the factory staff, they entered the largest hangar in the northeast region - the maintenance hangar of the Harbin branch of the Northern Airlines. This is a three-position hangar that can accommodate three MD-82 passenger aircraft at the same time, is the main work area for aircraft scheduled inspection.