
来源 :中国刑事警察 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:neithernor86
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刑警身体素质应包括以下几个方面;奔跑速度、腕力和臂力、拳面的硬度以及身体反应的灵敏度等。这些素质是职业性质所要求的。然而许多干警因工作紧张、繁忙没有更多的时间参加体育锻炼。因而应选择一些既适合专业特点又简单易练的训练方式来提高刑警的身体素质。速度练习:做原地高抬腿跑,速度由慢到快,大腿尽量抬平,两脚落地要轻,节奏一致,两臂配合前后摆动,抬头挺胸呼吸自然。每次30-50次为宜。如果用跳绳做此练习则效果更佳。臂力和腕力的练习:两臂与肩同宽手指朝前,身体挺直做俯卧撑练习。做时应注意慢下快起,以提高双臂的爆发力。达到一定程度时可用十指支撑地面,做十指卧撑,六指卧撑。做指卧撑时由于难度较大,应循序渐进。专项素质较好的干警可做单臂支撑练习或颠式俯卧撑,既做完一个支撑,身体向上颠起腾空后,手掌在空中击拍一次,然后接做下一个动作。灵敏性练习:仰卧起坐(俗称两头起)。练习时上肢与大腿尽量内收,双手触及脚面,然后身体全面展开。准备做下一个练习。仰卧起坐在形式上是一种腰腹肌的力量练习,坚持长期练习对一个人的灵活性、协调性有一定的促进作用。 Interpol physical fitness should include the following aspects: running speed, wrist and arm strength, the hardness of the fist and the sensitivity of the body reaction. These qualities are required by the profession. However, many police officers do not have more time to participate in physical exercise because of work stress and heavy workload. Therefore, we should choose some suitable for both professional and easy to practice training methods to improve Interpol’s physical fitness. Speed ​​practice: to do high ground leg run, the speed from slow to fast, legs as flat as possible, feet down to light, consistent rhythm, with both arms before and after swinging, looking up and chest breathing naturally. 30-50 times each is appropriate. If you do this exercise with skipping more effective. Exercises of arms and wrists: arms and shoulders width fingers forward, body upright exercises do push-ups. Should pay attention to slow slow rise, to enhance the explosive arms. To reach a certain level can be used to support the ground fingers, do ten-finger support, six fingers lying. Due to the difficulty of doing finger rests, should be gradual. Better quality special police officers can do single-arm support exercise or upside down push-ups, both done a support, the body upside down after the sky, the palm of the hand shot in the air once, and then do the next action. Sensitivity practice: sit-ups (commonly known as two). Practicing upper limbs and thighs as far as possible adduction, hands touching the foot, and then the body in full swing. Ready to do the next exercise. Sit-ups in the form of a strength of the abdominal muscles exercise, insisted on a long-term practice of a person’s flexibility, coordination has a certain role in promoting.
为探索高效节水的暗管排盐技术,通过田间灌溉排水试验,研究了滴灌条件下排水暗管不同管径(50、90mm)、和不同埋深(0.6、1.0、1.4 m)对土层含盐量分布及脱盐效果的影响。结果
一次函数是一种重要的函数,在现实生活中有着广泛应用。例1两摞相同规格的饭碗整齐地叠放在桌面上,请根据图1中给出的数据信息解答问题: (1)求整齐叠放在桌面上饭碗的高度y(c
古典小说中的神通,有道教神通与佛教神通。佛教神通源于佛经,张扬于僧传,大普及于小说。中国小说中的神通描写有浓厚的人文精神。 The magical powers in the classical nov