规划引领 强化服务 吸引社会资本促进交通发展

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四川作出建设西部综合交通枢纽战略部署以来,为破解“蜀道难”千年难题,我省坚持思路创新体制创新,以“多个积极性、多元主体、多种方式”推进交通加快发展。特别是在经济欠发达,交通底子薄,财政投入有限状况下,为加快交通发展,我省积极探索吸引社会资本投入交通建设。截至2012年底,全省高速公路BOT项目累计达26个,总里程达2747公里,引进各类社会资金2142亿元。累计通车9个,总里程866公里,占 Since Sichuan made the strategic plan of building an integrated transportation hub in the western part of the country, in order to solve the millennium difficult problem of “difficulty in making roads for sands,” our province insisted on innovations in system innovation and accelerated the development of transportation with “multiple initiatives, multiple subjects and multiple modes” . Especially under the conditions of underdeveloped economy, limited transportation and limited financial input, in order to speed up traffic development, the province actively explored ways to attract social capital into traffic construction. By the end of 2012, the total number of highway BOT projects in the province had reached 26, with a total mileage of 2,747 kilometers and 214.2 billion yuan of various social funds introduced. Total opened to traffic 9, the total mileage of 866 km, accounting for
“白发的芬芳”是俄罗斯女诗人吉皮乌斯一篇回忆文章的名字,我很喜欢这个词语,它有色彩,有气味,更有色彩和 “Fragrance of white hair” is the name of a memory article
罗伯特·克瑞里(Robert Creeley 1926-),美国当代诗人,已出版60多本诗集,10多本散文、评论和访谈集以及短篇小说集等,代表作包括诗集《为了爱》(1962)、《记忆花园》(1986)
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在烹调菜肴的时候,根据菜肴量来决定调味品的投放量,这其实是一个心理活动的 When cooking dishes, according to the amount of food to determine the amount of condime
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