
来源 :中国科技期刊研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lxxfeng
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[目的]反映我国中文学术期刊采用国际通用学术诚信控制机制的现状。[方法]依据《中文核心期刊要目总览(2011年版)》,采用简单随机抽样法,从各个一级学科中分别抽取20%的期刊(共401种)作为研究样本,以各个期刊2015年第1期印本及其官方网站为依据,调查各期刊采用作者贡献声明、采用潜在利益冲突声明、要求研究数据公开、要求责任编辑公开的情况。[结果]样本期刊中99%以上期刊没有提供作者贡献声明,98%以上期刊未提及任何原始数据信息,没有一种样本期刊提供潜在利益冲突声明,48.38%期刊给出了每篇论文的责任编辑。[结论]我国中文学术期刊很少采用国际通用的学术诚信控制机制。建议学术期刊应全面采用学术诚信控制机制,提高对学术诚信进行细化、可操作、可检验、可比较以及可问责的检验能力。 [Objective] To reflect the status quo of adopting the international universal academic integrity control mechanism in Chinese academic journals. [Methods] According to the “Outline of Chinese Core Journals (2011 Edition)”, a simple random sampling method was used to extract 20% of the journals (401 species in total) from all the first-level disciplines as research samples. 1 print and its official website as the basis for the investigation of the periodicals using the author’s contribution statement, the use of potential conflicts of interest statement, research data disclosure, requiring the editorial responsibility of the situation. [Results] More than 99% of the periodicals did not provide authors’ contribution statements, 98% of the periodicals did not mention any original data information, and none of the sample periodicals provided a potential conflict of interest statement. 48.38% of the periodicals gave the responsibility of each thesis edit. [Conclusion] Chinese academic journals seldom adopt the control mechanism of international academic integrity. It is suggested that academic journals should make full use of the academic integrity control mechanism to improve the ability to refine, manipulate, test, compare and accountability of academic honesty.
The studies of continental deep subduction and ultrahigh-pressure metamorphism have not only promoted the development of solid earth science in China, but also
Fluid/rock interaction occurs frequently in the sandstones near the overpressure top in central Junggar Basin, and carbonate cementation-dissolution is related
摘要:根据贵港职业学院的现状,就“如何调整专业设置,形成办学特色”提出了三点见解:适应地方经济需要,集中优势力量精简专业设置;细化专业,依托行业岗位对口培养;把企业引进学校,产教结合。  关键词:精简专业设置;细化专业;岗位对口培养;产教结合  作者简介:韦蔚萍(1971-),女,广西桂林人,广西贵港职业学院,讲师。(广西贵港537100)  中图分类号:G642文献标识码:A文章编号:1007-
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