
来源 :中国残疾人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:frontwave
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不久前,我收到赵庆玲女士的来信。她表明自己是《长江新里程》项目的受益人。她谈了自己安装假肢后的一些经验,希望与大家分享。她一再声称,而且是刊登她的稿件的唯一要求,就是一定要注明她是李嘉诚这个项目的受益人。这让我由衷的感动。由此我生出一个念头,残疾朋友在生活中都有着自己的不便,但也会开动脑筋想出一些办法自己来解决。我想,我们彼此就来个互助吧,开辟一个自己说话的栏目,自己来帮助自己,大家帮助大家。在我们的互助栏目中,你可以介绍你的一些康复经验,生活自理窍门,也可以提出自己的难处,看看哪位朋友有和你一样的问题,但已经想出了好办法。人多力量大,我们所有人拉起手,一起面对困难,我相信,不仅问题会解决,而且我们不再害怕。相信我,我们的天一样蓝!此话就定为我们的座右铭吧! Not long ago, I received a letter from Miss Zhao Qingling. She indicated that she is the beneficiary of the “New Milestone in Yangtze River” project. She talked about some experience after the installation of prostheses, I hope to share with you. She repeatedly claimed that she was the only one who published her manuscript, and she must clearly indicate that she is the beneficiary of Li Ka-shing’s project. This makes me heartfeltly touched. As a result, I gave birth to an idea that disabled friends all have their own inconveniences in life, but they also have some way to solve their own problems. I think we will come to each other to help each other it, open up a column of their own, to help themselves, we help everyone. In our mutual help section, you can introduce some of your rehabilitation experience, life tips, you can also put forward their own difficulties, see which friends have the same problems with you, but have come up with a good way. We have more people and more strength. All of us pull up our hands and face difficulties together. I believe that not only the problems will be solved, but we are no longer afraid. Believe me, our blue sky! This is our motto!
正值2006年中国“俄罗斯文化年”活动之际,让我们到俄罗斯的首都莫斯科去看看,感受那里独特的历史、文化风情。 At the time of the 2006 China Cultural Year of Russia ev
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江湖中自从出了一个名叫乐惊天的流寇,王爷便一直在犯难。  乐惊天不比别的流寇,别的流寇尚存一分道义,对受害人并不赶尽杀绝,以防人家在绝望中奋起反击。可是乐惊天不同,他以杀人为乐,没有任何理由,他只要想杀人,便要杀人。更为可怕的是,他不仅武功之高,世所罕至,今日在川西作案,明日便可在川东为非作歹。寻常江湖好汉奔走川西、川东,少说也得三四天时间,可是乐惊天居然能够做到朝发夕至。  先前也曾有护院好手主
“以假乱真”的意思是用假的冒充真的,使人真假难辨,可以译为:to pass off the fakeas the real thing,to create confusion by passingoff the spurious as genuine 或 to
On a lovely island,the Isle~1 of Wight,rests a large country home,called Os-borne House.The house was designedby Prince Albert(艾伯特王子)and built byThomas Cu