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2015年11月11日晚7点整,空降兵某部“天兵礼堂”座无虚席,“精神的力量”章荣强音乐作品演唱会隆重上演。章荣强何许人也?为什么所在部队会为其办一场专属音乐会?且听笔者慢慢道来。为梦想起航身材笔挺,谈吐大方,是章荣强给笔者的第一印象。采访时跟他一通聊天下来,他身上那种兼有“阳春白雪”和“下里巴人”的艺术气质,不经意地就“hold”住了笔者。章荣强走上艺术创作之路,应该说 At 11 o’clock on the November 11, 2015, at 7:00 am, the airborne unit was staged at a music concert featuring Zhang Rongqiang’s Musical Performance Concert. Zhang Rongqiang Who is it? Why the troops will be held for an exclusive concert? And listen to the author slowly come. Sailing for the dream straight, generous, Zhang Rongjiang is the first impression to the author. Interview with him a chat down, his body that both “Spring Snow” and “Under the Ribat ” artistic temperament, inadvertently “hold ” lived the author. Zhang Rongjiang embarked on the road to artistic creation, it should be said
法国前总统希拉克在一次视察活动结束时路过一个小镇,从不远处传来一个声音,高声喊着他的小名:“雅克,是你吗?”希拉克顿时停住了脚步,顺着声音望去,原来是坐 Former French
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