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  Family Life
  My family has always been really cool because they have said to me, “We’re 100% behind this dream, but if you have another dream tomorrow, we’ll be 100%
  behind that, too.” So it’s a really cool balance of them
  being completely supportive but never pushing me too hard in one direction.
  All of this has…has changed their lives drastically[彻底地] –
  I mean, my mom goes on the road[乘汽车出差] with me now; we don’t see my brother and my dad as much, ’cause they stay back home in Tennessee. You know, it…it’s crazy to have people come and ring the doorbell every day. And it’s just…it’s
  interesting because my brother…he’s in high school, and so every time I’m on TV and…and stuff like that, he hears about it at school. And so part of me thinks about him every single time I make a decision, or every time I say something I think about how it’s gonna affect
  my brother at school, so it’s…it’s a really good
  gauge[标准尺] for my actions.
  Talents Other Than Music
  I’m really into grammar, like, I…I need
  everything to be grammatically correct before I send it, like in…when I’m texting somebody or when I’m e-mailing somebody. It’s like I have to make sure that I’ve got the right form of
  every word and that everything’s spelled right. Like, I don’t know, it’s just something I’ve been pretty hung up on[迷上……的] since I was little, so I guess…grammar?
  Personal Inspiration
  I was inspired to start singing when I was
  really little. I’ve loved music all my life. I…there are videos that my parents have showed me of when I was, like, four, and would run up to people
  on the beach – like random[任意的] strangers – and just start singing for them, and they would never know where I was. They would always be, like, running after me trying to figure out who I was harassing[骚扰] at the moment. But I’ve always loved to sing for people – I’ve always loved music.
  My role models in country music are Shania
  Twain, Faith Hill, Dixie Chicks注1. I think what they did for country music as female
  artists – they brought quirkiness[离奇],
  they brought comedy, they brought
  independence, and I really, really love that.
  Career Advice
  No one goes about “making it” in the same way. Everybody does it differently. So don’t be discouraged if you’re not “making it” the right way, or whatever.
  You know, I think that we have this idea in our head[s] that we’re gonna be “discovered,” and we’re gonna be
  discovered by some A&R注2 scout[探子] in the audience – some talent scout[星探]. And that’s really not how it happens most of the time. Most of the time it takes moving
  to Nashville注3 and meeting…meeting this person who knows this person who
  introduces you to that person who you play this song for and they like it, and they tell this person about it, and it’s this web, you know. Usually if you ask a lot of people who have made it in music, there wasn’t one definitive[确定的] moment that did it for them. It was…it was working your way up step by step, and I think that’s a way that works better.
  Just don’t be discouraged, have
  patience, be relentless[不松懈的], and never assume that you’re entitled to success, because then, if you get success, it’ll be a pleasant surprise.
  注2:在音乐业界中,A&R(artist and repertoire)是唱片公司旗下的一个部门,负责发掘、训练歌手或艺人,并帮助歌手在商业市场上获得成功。此外,A&R经常需要负责与歌手签订合约、为歌手寻找作曲者和制作人,以及安排录音时程计划等工作。一些资深A&R甚至可以改变当代音乐的面貌。近年来最有代表性的知名A&R当属一手打造了《美国偶像》(American Idol)、《英国达人》(Britain’s Got Talent)等著名节目的西门·考威尔(Simon Cowell)。
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