
来源 :建筑学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lmaster
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This speech gives a summary of China’s development in architectural education since the beginning of theReform as is reflected in the following aspects:1) Specification of objectives and scale and revision of architectural education programs for undergraduates;2) Educational accreditation in architecture which paves the way for the establishment of architectural registration system; 3) Promotion of degree system reform and the setting of architectural degrees; 4) Symposiums ondesignated subjects and the strengthening of main subjects; 5) Architectural design competition among university students; 6) Progress in textbook compilation.The speech also points out the situation and tasks architectural education is faced with:1) Update “architectural concepts” and follow the pace of time; 2) Change educational methodology andimprove students’ creativity and comprehensive competence; 3) Ameliorate educational accreditation and improve the international status of China’s architectural education; 4) Deepen educational reform and establish anarchitectural education system of Chinese characteristics; 5 ) Strengthen the educational forces and improveschool conditions. This speech gives a summary of China’s development in architectural education since the beginning of the Reform as is reflected in the following aspects:1) Specification of objectives and scale and revision of architectural education programs for undergraduates;2) Educational accreditation in architecture which paves the way For the establishment of architectural registration system; 3) Promotion of degree system reform and the setting of architectural degrees; 4) Symposiums ondesignated subjects and the reinforcement of main subjects; 5) Architectural design competition among university students; The speech also points out the situation and tasks architectural education is faced with:1) Update “architectural concepts” and follow the pace of time; 2) Change educational methodology andimprove students’ creativity and comprehensive competence; 3) Ameliorate educational accreditation and Improve the international status of China’s architectural educati On; 4) Deepen educational reform and establish anarchitectural education system of Chinese characteristics; 5) Strengthen the educational forces and improveschool conditions.
1 问题的提出 *粉煤灰是燃煤电厂的废渣。目前,我国燃煤电厂每年排放的粉煤灰达8000多万t,大部分仍靠占用大片土地甚至良田堆放,大力开发粉煤灰的综合利用非常有必要。近年来,随着对