A study on the current college English teaching and learning in China

来源 :校园英语·下旬 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:diyapple
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  【Abstract】It is universally known that English is the lingua franca and most of countries in the world are teaching and learning English in terms of economic development and globalization. English in China, strictly speaking, is regarded as the foreign language and China has carried out English teaching for several decades but the learning outcomes do not match the efforts that we have made. This paper tries to develop the topic and explore the weaknesses and limitations of college English teaching and learning.
  【Key words】English teaching; student-centered; task-based strategy
  China has been teaching and learning English for many years but the learning outcome of college English are not satisfactory. The main problem of the university English teaching is that it has no clear and explicit objectives which should be one of the important characteristics of syllabus. The majority of students learn English only because they need to prepare language tests, for example, the College English Test Band 4 or Band 6, postgraduate entrance test, etc. Therefore, they learn English not because of the practical use in their future life but because of the requirements from universities and employers. On the other hand, for those who do not need to pass the test nor have interests in English, they have no incentive and initiative to learn English, so they either pay no attention to classroom instructions or skip the English class directly. That is also one reason of the inefficiency of College English Teaching.
  The second problem is that the college English syllabus ignores the individual differentiation. It is known that different majors of students are required different extent of English proficiency. For example, the students who major in international finance or computer, they need to be equipped with higher proficiency of English and these different subjects also have their respective technical terms; on the contrary, the students whose profession is History or Chinese, it seems not necessary for them to spent too much time and effort on English, for they may have little chance to use it in their future study and work.
  In addition, the English classrooms mainly apply the structural syllabus which also called formal or grammatical syllabus. It is a traditional syllabus which focuses on the grammatical forms, description and analysis of classical languages. The content of this type of syllabus tend to be boring for students. Teachers mainly use the certain textbooks and teach students the forms and structures of important sentences and grammars. Teachers take most of the class time and can not provide students sufficient opportunities to practice or use the language which students have learned. Even though, teachers sometimes will organize some group works and discussion tasks for students, while some students doubt the effects of these activities and will not participate in them initiatively. Therefore, in this process of teaching students tend to accept the knowledge of English passively and they can’t join the English learning actively. It is an entirely teacher-centered classroom.   In terms of the weaknesses analyzed above, it is urgent to implement measures to solve these problems. First of all, teachers should alter their teaching syllabus and methodologies. Teachers can use more than one type of syllabus and combine them in integrated ways, because there is not a single type of syllabus that can be appropriate in all teaching settings and each syllabus has its own advantages and defects. Secondly, teachers may also change from teacher-centered, grammar-translation approaches to student-centered, communicative, and task-based strategies which focus more on the students’ abilities and skills of language, especially the speaking and listening.
  As for the students whose majors demand higher and more specialized English knowledge, teachers can be trying to apply the content-based syllabus whose content is selected by considering the English learners’ other subjects. For example, teachers teach the international finance class in English. But this might be high demanding on teachers’ ability. From this perspective, it can be seen that choosing the appropriate syllabus in English teaching and learning is really vital for both teachers and students.
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古语有云,师者,传道授业解惑也。教书育人,即是教师最朴素的责任。  毕业时怀抱鸿鹄之志登上三尺讲台,以期穷尽自己浇灌学生。年轻的我斗志昂扬,一往无前,用心开垦着自己的教育园地。也一直谨记着孔夫子“不愤不启,不悱不发”的教学之法,只是要熟练运用这其中的启发之法、开导之方不是一朝一夕之功,需要教师在教学中慢慢探索与积淀。而我知道,置身于日新月异的时代,我们不能墨守成规,一成不变;面对着见多识广的学生,
【摘要】伴随新式课程和基础教育进程的不断推进,高中教育工作者不懈探索更加科学和创新的教学方法。在高中英语课堂上,应用核心素养视野下的教学策略,激发学生学习的主动性,由被动地接受和麻木地灌输变为有自主性地联系和思考,为学生的英语学习打下坚实的基础,让高中英语学习成为日后不断提高英语能力的沃土。  【关键词】核心素养;高中英语;教学策略  【作者简介】戴文通,江苏省丹阳市第六中学。  高中阶段的英语教
【摘要】近年来,随着我国经济的发展,科技也在不断进步,在教育方面融入信息技术是社会发展的必然趋势,初中英语作为初中重要的一门学科,运用信息技术教学能有效激发起学生的学习兴趣。本文就信息技术与初中英语课堂的有效整合进行分析。  【关键词】信息技术;初中英语;有效整合  信息技术与初中英语课堂教学进行有效整合就是要将信息技术的资源与教学内容有效结合在一起,从而共同促进学生的学习,但是在整合的过程中,不
【摘要】在高中英语教学中,如何提高学生的阅读能力和技巧是教师教学目标的重中之重。高中英语阅读文章内容复杂,知识点多,给学生的阅读和理解带来很大挑战。此时,就需要探索一种高效可行的阅读教学方法。思维导图法实现了对阅读文章琐碎知识点的整合,让冗长的文章体系化、整体化,这对学生阅读理解能力的提高有很大的作用。  【关键词】高中英语阅读教学;思维导图;具体应用  【作者简介】赵治霞(1984.08-),女
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【摘要】随着新课改的推进,素质教育备受关注,因此,学生的核心素养的培养至关重要。对于小学阶段,英语学科是实现学生核心素养提升的重要途径和手段,要结合英语教学,推动核心素养教育目标的实现。下文首先分析了小学英语教学核心素养的含义,然后探讨了小学英语培养学生核心素养的策略,希望对同仁有一个借鉴。  【关键词】小学英语教学;核心素养;推进学习  【作者简介】朱剑钊,福建省南平市建溪学校。  现阶段,我国
宋代的商人做生意,很注重打广告。以前没有电视、互联网,为了让更多人看到广告,只能到最热闹的地点放广告,并尽量将广告词写得新奇夸张,足够吸引眼球。比如北宋东京的饮食店,“皆大书牌榜于通衢”,“京师凡卖熟食者,必为诡异标表语言,然后所售益广”。  走在宋朝城市的街头,商业广告随处可见,不信你看《清明上河图》,画家捕捉到的广告就有几十个,其中广告幌子有10面,广告招牌有23块,灯箱广告至少有4个,大型广
【摘要】小学英语教学需要重视对学生学习兴趣的培养,用灵活的教学方法和策略提升学生的学习兴趣,帮助学生打好基础。新时代背景下,教师需要立足核心素养教育展开对学生素质能力的培养。本文将以小学英语教学中的核心素养渗透意义作为切入点,分析培养学生核心素养的思路,使学生能够形成终身学习意识以及学以致用的能力,将知识应用于生活,提高其学习能力以及社会适应力,提升学生的英语水平。  【关键词】核心素养;小学英语
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【摘要】考试是教学过程的重要环节。考试不仅是一种手段,更是一种重要的教育资源。它所特有的评定、检测、诊断、反馈和激励功能,是其他环节所不能替代的。考试一方面对学生的学习情况作出客观的评价,对学生掌握知识、技能的程度进行定性和定量的测定,判断学生是否完成教学计划规定的教学内容、取得预期的教学效果,另一方面检查教师的教学质量、教学水平和教学效果。  【关键词】考试结果;反馈;教学问题;策略研究  【作