The glucuronic acid xylose extracted from E. grandis was cationized and then applied as a wet end enhancer. The extracted hemicellulose yield was 50.75% (relative to the hemicellulose in the feedstock). Extracts, xylose content of 40%, uronic acid content of 16%, lignin content of 27%. The relative molecular mass of glucuronic acid xylose extracted was 51589, the degree of substitution of xylose made from cationic glucuronic acid was 0.05-0.73, and the uronic acid content was 6.12% ~ 12.70%. The cationic glucuronic acid xylose was added as wetting agent to the giant eucalyptus pulp, which could increase the strength and air permeability of the paper. When the dosage was 1.0%, the cationic xylose glucuronate xylose had more additives than cationic starch Good results.