
来源 :中国安防 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:syw2565
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近些年来,随着全国各地“和谐社会、平安城市”建设速度的加快,以及安防监控在金融、交通、能源、医疗等诸多行业应用的整体大幅增加,海量数据的存储与应用问题显得愈发突出,存储系统逐渐成为监控项目的焦点所在。面对动辙上千T的存储项目,传统的硬盘录像机(DVR/NVR)显然无法满足实际的需求,安防存储的数字化趋势已成必然。正是看好安防行业存储发展的迅猛态势以及由此而带来的巨大商机,国内外众多存储厂商纷纷发力安防行业,力争在这片蓝海竞逐中有所斩获。作为国内存储业领先者之一,至今成立已然十年的创新科(UIT)公司更是携其在存储领域多年积累的产品、技术、研发优势和服务至上、合作至上的先进理念强力介入安防行业,力争打造中国安防市场视频监控首选品牌甚至是中国第一存储品牌。那么,创新科公司靠什么来打开安防市场?创新科在安防市场到底如何谋篇布局,以及创新科究竟能为合作伙伴和终端用户带来什么?带着这些疑惑,《中国安防》记者特意采访了创新科(UIT)公司董事长陈凯先生和助理总裁李辉先生。 In recent years, as the construction speed of “harmonious society, safe city” throughout the country and the overall increase of security monitoring in many industries such as finance, transportation, energy and medical treatment, the storage and application of massive data appear Increasingly prominent, storage systems have gradually become the focus of monitoring projects. The face of the track thousands of T storage project, the traditional DVR (DVR / NVR) is clearly unable to meet the actual needs of the security storage of the digital trend has become inevitable. It is optimistic about the security industry, the rapid development of storage and the tremendous business opportunities brought about by the large number of domestic and foreign storage vendors have made efforts to security industry, strive to gain some competition in this blue ocean. As one of the leaders in the domestic storage industry, UIT, which has been established for over a decade now, is stepping into the security industry with its advanced concepts of product, technology, R & D advantages and service-oriented and cooperation-first concept accumulated in the storage field , And strive to build China’s security market video surveillance preferred brand or even China’s first storage brand. So, innovation company by what to open the security market? Innovation Division in the security market in the end how to find layout, and innovation section for partners and end users what? With these doubts, “China Security” reporter specifically interviewed Mr. Chen Kai, Chairman of UIT, and Mr. Li Hui, Assistant President.