
来源 :中学数学教学参考 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fakeshushu
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提起数学阅读,大家不约而同地想到让学生阅读,想到培养学生阅读数学的重要性和必要性,而往往忽略了教师的阅读,尤其是教师对数学教材的阅读研究更容易被忽视。与学生的数学阅读相比,教师的数学教材阅读更是让学生学好数学的前提和保证。本文以人教版教材七年级上册第一章“有理数”的阅读为例,结合笔者的理解与思考,就初中数学教师的教材阅读,提几点看法。 Mentioning mathematics reading, we all think of let students read, think of the importance and necessity of training students to read mathematics, and often overlook the teacher’s reading, especially teachers of mathematics textbooks reading research more easily overlooked. Compared with the students ’math reading, teachers’ reading of math textbooks is more prerequisite and guarantee for students to learn mathematics well. This paper takes the reading of the first chapter of the seventh grade of the PEP textbook as the example of “Rational Number”, combining with the author’s understanding and thinking, to make some reading on the textbooks of junior high school mathematics teachers.
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