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中国土壤学会于1962年6月25日—7月1日在南京召开了学术会议。这次会议的主要目的是进行专题讨论与对土壤科学发展规划提供意见。 与会代表共54人,全国各地绝大多数的著名土壤学家与部分有经验的土壤科学工作者出席了大会,驻宁各有关单位的土壤科学工作者也部分应邀列席了会议。大会前后共收到各地论文125篇。 在为期一周的会议议程中,学术活动分成两个阶段。第一阶段(6月25—27日)是专题讨论,为了充分而有效的利用时间,专题讨论分为土壤基本性质、农业化学、盐碱土和土壤分类等四组进行。会上有关人员对大会所收到的论文作了综合介绍,而后进行了广泛而又细致的讨论。部分有代表性的论文并作了大会报告。在讨论会上代表们本着百家争鸣的精神,围绕着论文内容、国内外各土壤学科的现状及发展趋向进行了热烈而广泛的讨论,通过讨论大家一致认为自1956年第二次代表大会以来,特别是 Soil Society of China in June 1962 - July 1 in Nanjing held a conference. The main purpose of this meeting is to conduct thematic discussion and advise on the planning of soil science development. A total of 54 people attended the conference. The vast majority of famous soil scientists and some experienced soil scientists from all over the country attended the conference. Soil scientists in various relevant units in Nanjing were also invited to attend the conference in part. Before and after the conference received a total of 125 papers around. During the one-week conference agenda, academic activities fall into two phases. The first phase (June 25-27) is a thematic discussion. In order to make full and effective use of time, the thematic discussion is divided into four groups: basic soil properties, agrochemicals, saline-alkali soil and soil classification. The relevant personnel at the conference made a comprehensive introduction to the dissertations received by the General Assembly and conducted extensive and detailed discussions. Some representative papers and made the report of the conference. In the seminar, the delegates held heated discussions on the content of the thesis, the current situation and development trend of various soil disciplines at home and abroad in the spirit of a hundred schools of thought. Through discussion, everyone agreed that since the second congress in 1956, especially
氨基糖苷类抗生素是临床上常用的一类抗生素,由于泛用,其耐药性问题随之凸现。氨基糖苷类药物的耐药机制比较复杂,其中最常见的是由于细菌产生氨基糖苷类修饰酶介导 Aminogl