今朝夕阳无限好 正是老牛奋蹄时——记东光县供销社龙腾轧花厂厂长吴希斌

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在河北省东光县南部这片肥沃的土地上,一头雄壮威武的老黄牛正在勤奋的耕耘,翻动沃野,播种着祖辈赖以生存以至奔小康的经济支柱产业——棉花。由于气候适宜,这里的棉花成熟度高,品级好,曾被河北省定为优质棉基地县和出口棉基地县。秋季,望着无垠的棉海,棉农每采摘一朵棉花,就是一分喜悦,故戏称为“抓钱”。棉农拉着劳作一年来的丰硕成果,交售到轧花厂,换回丰厚的回报,他们点着一搭搭嘎嘎作响的钞票,个个脸上绽成一朵花。而老牛从不索取,忠于职守,仍默默耕耘,年复一年,劳作在这片养育炎黄子孙的大地上。一个秋高气爽的日子,我们慕名去采访省社先进企业的龙腾棉花加工厂厂长、县政协委员、县工商联副主席吴希斌同志。出县城不远,我们就进入产棉区,只见白 On this fertile land south of Dongguang County in Hebei Province, a mighty, hardy old ox is working hard to turn fertile fields and soothe cotton, the economic pillar industry where ancestors depend and survive. Due to the suitable climate, the cotton here is of high maturity and good quality. It has been designated as a high-quality cotton base county and an export cotton base county in Hebei Province. Autumn, looking at the boundless cotton, cotton picking every cotton, is a delight, so the play called “catch money ”. Farmers pulled the fruits of fruitful work over the past year, sold to the ginning plant, in return for a generous return, they point to take a rattling notes, all face blooming flowers. The cow never claim, loyal to their duties, still quietly work, year after year, work in this piece of land to raise Yan Huang descendants. An autumn day, we are attracted to visit the provincial advanced enterprises Longtian cotton processing plant manager, county CPPCC members, County Federation of Industry Vice Chairman Comrade Wu Xibin. Not far from the county, we entered the cotton area, only to see the white
我市圩角乡圩南村一台东风-12型手扶拖拉机,修后不久就出现烧机油、气缸漏气等现象。先后检查了缸盖螺栓,气缸垫、气门杆及气门导管等均无误。 Wexu Township, Wei Nan Vil
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目的为探讨牛裂体吸虫(Schistosoma bovis)在裂体属内的系统发生位置,测定牛裂体吸虫线粒体基因部分序列,并分析该编码区域的基因序列和基因排序。方法以GNT-K法抽提牛裂体吸