湖南省湘峰机械厂1983年和1984年曾是全省有名的年亏损100万元以上的大户。近几年他们在增产节约上狠下功夫,取得了显著的成效,1985年摘掉了亏损帽,盈利60万元,1986年经济效益继续大幅度提高,实现利润228万元,比上年增长3.8倍。短短几年,该厂的经济形势发生了如此深刻的变化,关键在于他们对增产节约工作做到了“四个抓”: 一、抓紧开发适销对路的产品,在提高产
Xiangfeng Machinery Factory of Hunan Province was a famous large-scale household with a loss of over 1 million yuan in the province in 1983 and 1984. In recent years, they have made great efforts in increasing production and saving, and have achieved remarkable results. In 1985 they took off their loss caps and made a profit of 600,000 yuan. In 1986, the economic benefits continued to increase substantially, with a profit of 2.28 million yuan, an increase over the previous year. 3.8 times. In just a few years, the economic situation of the plant has undergone such a profound change. The key is that they have achieved “four catches” for increasing production and saving: First, we must pay close attention to the development of marketable products and increase production.