观电信行业之变——Sprint与Google Voice联姻

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3月21日,美国移动运营商Sprint和谷歌同时对外宣布,两家公司即将整合其语音通话业务。有分析人士表示,这一举措无疑是给移动通信市场投下一枚震撼弹,其影响甚至高于AT&T对T-Mobile的收购一案。近年来,作为美国第三大移动运营商,Sprint实在有点烦:首当其冲的是经营状况一蹶不振,从2007年起,用户数连续11个季度持续环比下降,2010年第二季度起环比虽开始增长,但同比仍下降;而营收、市场份额以及ARPU(用户平均消费值)也同样呈下滑趋势,连续多年疲软,用户流失率是另外两大运营商AT&T、Verizon的2.15倍。为了扭转业务颓势,Sprint从2008年起实施三大反攻策略,即大力发展预付费用户、率先引入4G、话务批发/MVNO,可是人算不如天算,除了预付费用户数在2010年第二季度之 On March 21, U.S. mobile operators Sprint and Google announced at the same time that the two companies are about to integrate their voice calls. Some analysts said the move undoubtedly cast a shock to the mobile communications market, its impact even higher than AT & T’s acquisition of T-Mobile case. In recent years, as the third-largest mobile operator in the United States, Sprint is really annoying: the first is the slump in operating conditions. Since 2007, the number of users has continued to decline sequentially for the past 11 quarters. Although ring rates in the second quarter of 2010 have started to increase, Year-over-year (YoY); however, YoY revenue, market share and ARPU (User Average Consumption Value) also showed a downward trend, which has been sluggish for many years. The user turnover rate is 2.15 times that of the other two carriers, AT & T and Verizon. In order to reverse the business decline, Sprint implemented three major counter-offensive strategies since 2008, namely vigorously developing prepaid subscribers and pioneering the introduction of 4G, mobile wholesale / MVNO services, except for the number of prepaid subscribers in 2010 Quarterly
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