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三、工伤保险知识《广东省社会工伤保险条例》何时实施?广东省九届人大五次常委会议通过的《广东省社会工伤保险条例》自1998年11月1日起实施。《工伤保险条例》适用哪些范围?我省行政区域内所有企业、事业单位、国家机关、社会团体、城镇个体经济组织及其所属全部员工。被保险人在哪些情况下可以享受工伤保险待遇?下列情况之一可以享受工伤保险待遇:一、工作时间在本单位从事日常生产、工作;二、从事单位临时指派的工作;三、经单位同意,从事与本单位工作有关的科学研究及试验、发明创造或技术改造;四、在紧急情况下,未经单位领导指定而从事有益于 Third, the knowledge of work-related injury insurance When “Guangdong Provincial Social Work-injury Insurance Regulations” when the implementation? Guangdong Provincial People’s Congress at the Fifth Standing Committee meeting of the “Guangdong Provincial Social Welfare Insurance Regulations” since November 1, 1998 come into operation. What is the scope of the “Work Injury Insurance Regulations”? All enterprises, public institutions, state organs, social groups, urban individual economic organizations and all employees in the administrative region of our province. Under what circumstances can the insured enjoy the industrial injury insurance? One of the following conditions can enjoy the work-related injury insurance: First, the working hours in the unit in the daily production and work; Second, engaged in the temporary assignment of units; Third, with the consent of the unit , Engaged in the work of the unit related to scientific research and testing, inventions or technological innovation; Fourth, in an emergency, without the leadership of the unit to engage in the benefit
一些作者推测,石棉纤维中的微量金属在石棉致癌作用中,起着重要的作用。Dixon等认为石棉中某些微量金属可以抑制对苯并芘的解毒能力,从而间接地促进 Some authors speculat
一、放置节育环的适应症:凡已婚妇女,自愿放置而无禁忌症者,均应给予放置。二、禁忌症:1.生殖器官炎症,如急、慢性盆腔炎、阴道炎和重度子宫颈糜烂。2.频发月经,月经过多 F
伴随急性传染病的减少和轻症化,因预防接种而发生的副反应已引起人们的注意。预防接种副反应的发生机理由预防 With the reduction of acute infectious diseases and mild
To the Editor:rnWorldwide, approximately 400 million patients have chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection [1] . Because of the high incidence of HBV in China
开幕时间:9月1 6日地点:淮南市体育文化中心展会亮点总览中国观赏石协会秘书长高谊明出席了本次展会,她盛赞本次博览会三大亮点令人振奋:一是参展作品质量大幅提升,给人以丰
盲信号分离的依据通常是信号的独立性或利用它们的高阶累积量。考虑了双通道的盲分离问题 ,提出了一种基于相关函数的盲分离准则。证明了在源信号不相关的条件下 ,可以实现源