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今年是深圳特区开创、建设、发展36周年,在新时期中国美术事业发展版图的东南一隅,年轻的深圳画院也走过了30年筚路蓝缕、砥兵砺伍的探索历程。在这30周年之际,深圳画院以展览和文献的形式,回顾自身的历史,审视自身的工作,希望以史为鉴,开拓新的美术思路。2017年元旦新年伊始在深圳举行的“深圳画院30年优秀作品展”中,推出了三个主题展:“海纳百川——深圳画院艺术家作品展”、“他山之石——深圳画院藏客座画家作品展”和“固本流长——深圳画院藏品集萃展”。其中,“他山之石——深圳画院藏客座画家作品展”展示了2000年以来,在深圳画院客座的56位国际艺术家在深圳客座期间创作并捐赠给画院的珍责藏品,有水墨、油画、版画、雕塑、水彩和摄影艺术。它们皆是不同文化在这个新兴都市碰撞所擦出的电光火石,各有风致、气象万千,饱含着艺术家们对中国文化的热爱,以及对深圳浓浓的情谊。据深圳画院介绍,2000年始,他们就率先在全国画院中推行“客座画家”制度。客座画家所聘任的对象是海内外以及中国港澳台地区(不合课圳本地)从事视觉艺术创作的专业人士。迄今为止,已有来自欧、亚、非、北美、南美、中国的港台和国内23个国家37个地区的60余位艺术家,在深圳画院完成创作、研究、交流、展览。《诗经·小雅·鹤鸣》:他山之石,可以攻玉。文明因交流、互鉴而丰富、精彩,深圳画院亦是通过“客座画家”项目这个开放而充满活力的平台,建立了与国际美术机构的广泛联系,不断探索新型专业美术创作研究机构的发展、创新之路,而形成了画院今天开放、多元、包容的学术格局。(古秀玲) This year marks the 36th anniversary of the founding, construction and development of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. In the southeast corner of the development layout of the Chinese fine arts in the new era, the young Shenzhen Art Academy has also gone through 30 years of exploration and development of military forces. On the occasion of the 30th anniversary, the Shenzhen Art Academy, in the form of exhibitions and documents, reviews its own history and examines its own work, hoping to draw lessons from history and explore new ideas of art. 2017 New Year’s Day at the beginning of the year held in Shenzhen “Shenzhen Art Academy 30 years of outstanding work exhibition ”, launched three themed exhibitions: “Heiner rivers - Artists Exhibition of Shenzhen Art Academy ”, “ Shenzhen painter paintings of visiting painters ”and “ solid long flow - Shenzhen Art Gallery Collection Exhibition ”. Among them, “The Stone of Other Mountains - Exhibition of Painters’ Visiting Painters in Shenzhen Paintings” showcases the precious collections of 56 international artists who have been visiting Shenzhen since 2000 and donated to the academy, , Oil painting, printmaking, sculpture, watercolor and photography art. They are all electro-optical flints emanating from the collision of different cultures in this emerging city. Each has its own style and spectacle, full of artists’ love of Chinese culture and deep love for Shenzhen. According to the introduction of Shenzhen Art Academy, beginning in 2000, they took the lead in the implementation of the “National Academy of Art Painters ” system. Visiting painters are employed by professionals engaged in visual arts creation in Hong Kong, Maucao, and Hong Kong, Maucao, and Hong Kong, as well as in Hong Kong, Mainland China and the Mainland. To date, more than 60 artists from Hong Kong, Taiwan, Europe, Asia, Africa, North and South America, China and 37 regions in 23 countries across the country have completed the creation, research, exchange and exhibition in Shenzhen Art Academy. “Book of Songs Xiaoya Heming”: the stone of other hills, you can attack jade. Civilization is enriched and exquisite due to exchanges and mutual learning. Shenzhen Art Academy is also a platform that is open and full of vitality through the “Guest Painters” project, establishing extensive contacts with international fine arts institutions and constantly exploring new professional art creation research institutes Development and innovation, and formed an open, diverse and inclusive academic structure of Art Academy today. (Ancient Xiuling)
本文采用复合溶媒法,对利福平滴眼剂处方进行了改进,使新的处方利福平的含量提高了一倍。从0.1%增加到0.2%,并对此处方作了稳定性及临床观察,结果较为满意。 This article u
目的:研究扭曲肉芝软珊瑚的化学成分。方法:综合利用各种层析方法分离和纯化化合物, 并利用光谱学和理化性质来鉴定化合物结构。结果:从中分离得到5个化合物, 分别鉴定为 bra