作为国际民航组织七个地区办事处之一的亚洲、太平洋两区合署办事处座落在机场与市区之间,距曼谷国际机场和闹市 SUKHUNVIT 路的国宾宾馆各12公里,与秀丽的 CHATUCHAK 公园比邻。别具一格的三层乳白色小楼被半环绕着的高尔夫球场和一池碧水衬托得格外幽雅。清晨透过朝霞映照的喷泉水柱可见到镶嵌在雨廊后上方的国际民航组织航徽,令人心旷神怡。凡是到过办事处的人无不为其别致叫绝。但是亚太办事处办公地点的更迭确是鲜为人知。原称为远东和太平洋区的办事处最初设在澳大利亚的墨
As one of ICAO's seven regional offices, the Asia and Pacific Regional Offices are located between the airport and the urban area, 12 km from Bangkok International Airport and the Ambassador Hotel at downtown SUKHUNVIT Road, respectively, and the beautiful CHATUCHAK Park next door. Unique three-tier milky small building surrounded by a half-golf course and a pool of clear water is particularly elegant backdrop. It is refreshing to see the ICAO logo printed in the morning through the glorious fountain of water reflected in the morning glow. All those who have been to the office are all uncommon for it. However, the change in the office of the Asia Pacific office is indeed little known. The office originally located in the Far East and the Pacific Ocean was originally based in Australia