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长期以来,人们习惯上把孔子与孟子合称为“孔孟”,认为他们的思想体系是完全一致的,由此便有了“孔孟之道”之说,形成了儒家学派和体系。其实在维护封建统治和君主专制方面,孟子与孔子的思想认识是有很大差别的。孟子虽自诩是孔子的传人和后继者,但从他的思想言行上看,其思想要比孔子激进得多,性格也刚烈得多,特别是在对待君主地位的态度和认识上,孔孟的思想差异就更大,孟子确实没有孔子那种柔顺、屈从的奴性。可以说,孟子的君主思想要比孔子进步得多, For a long time, people customarily referred to Confucius and Mencius together as “Confucian and Mencius”, thinking that their ideological system was completely consistent, and thus there was a saying “Confucian and Mencius” and formed a Confucian school and system. In fact, in terms of maintaining feudal rule and monarchy, Mencius and Confucius have very different ideological understandings. Although Mencius himself was the descendant and descendant of Confucius, his thoughts and actions were far more radical than Confucius and his character was much more intense, especially in his attitude and understanding of the status of the monarch. The difference in thinking is even greater. Mencius does not have the kind of submissiveness and servility of Confucius. It can be said that Mencius’s sovereign thoughts are much more progressive than Confucius’s.
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无论初中生还是高中生,无人不知郭敬明。他的成名作《幻城》,曾让纸贵洛阳。  《幻城》是一场语词的盛宴。  像任何一位成功作家一样,郭敬明以其卓越的创造性,出人意料地将古老而年轻的汉语写出了新的风格、新的境界。《幻城》(本文所据版本为春风文艺出版社2003年1月第一版,2003年10月第六次印刷,下文不一一注明)的语言像诗一样简洁,像画一样意味深长。我们一起来看下面的句子:  “我看到往事起伏在他浑
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