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二月中旬,中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理李岚清由国内贸易部副部长何济海等陪同,先后在河南省和北京市考察了连锁商业。他强调,大力发展国合商业连锁经营,是商业流通体制的重大改革。李副总理指出,流通是经济运行中的重要环节,是连接市场消费需求和生产的纽带。从计划经济转到社会主义市场经济,商品流通的重要性比过去大大提高了。我们要认真研究商品流通体制的改革,明确方向,进一步发展商品市场。从国内外经验看,连锁经营是个普遍规律。小流通、小商业只能带动小生产、小工业,发展连锁经营,不仅有利于国合商业转换机制、增强活力,而且由于规模大了,采购量大了,有利于带动大生产、大工业,带动菜篮子工程的规模生产现代化,推动流通现代化,真正发挥国合商业主渠道作用。因此可以说,发展连锁经营是商品流通体制带有方向性的重大改革。李岗清说,连锁经营有不同的层次、不同的规模、不同的服务对象。目前我国已经出现的商业连锁经营大体有四个层次:一是便民连锁店,多数是以粮油食品和小杂货为主;二是连锁超级市场,主要经营蔬菜、肉禽、食品、 In mid-February, Li Lanqing, a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Vice Premier of the State Council, was accompanied by Vice Minister of the Ministry of Internal Trade He Jihai, and he successively inspected chain businesses in Henan Province and Beijing Municipality. He emphasized that the vigorous development of the national cooperative commercial chain operation is a major reform of the commercial circulation system. Vice Premier Li pointed out that circulation is an important link in the economic operation and a link connecting consumer demand and production in the market. From the planned economy to the socialist market economy, the importance of commodity circulation has greatly increased over the past. We must seriously study the reform of the commodity circulation system, make clear the direction, and further develop the commodity market. Judging from domestic and foreign experience, chain operation is a universal law. Small-scale circulation and small businesses can only promote small-scale production and small-scale industries and develop chain operations. This will not only be conducive to the country’s commercial exchange mechanism and increase its vitality, but also because of its large scale and large purchase volume, it will help stimulate large-scale production and large industries. To promote the modernization of scale production of the vegetable basket project, promote the modernization of circulation, and truly play the role of the main channel of China-Canada business. Therefore, it can be said that the development of chain management is a major reform with a directional nature of the commodity circulation system. Li Gangqing said that chain operations have different levels, different scales, and different service targets. At present, there are four levels of commercial chain operations that have emerged in China: First, convenience store chains, most of which are based on grain, oil, food, and groceries; and second, chain supermarkets, which mainly deal in vegetables, meat, poultry, and food.
据外电报道,1994年日本一些用户试用了中国钢材后,对中国钢材质量和价格表示满意,意欲今年将扩大进口中国钢材。 日本关西发生地震后,为重建家园,日本将扩大钢材进口。而欧
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一  秋天腰身短,抻将未抻之时,被谁一巴掌拍出老远,冬天就堂而皇之地来了。  和平桥横亘于护城河上,是连结城乡的通道,进一步市井繁华,流光溢彩,退一步引车卖浆,杂乱无章。冬天的日头很容易倦怠,才三四点钟,就睡意昏沉起来。摊贩们晓得怎么打发无趣的时间,围在一起斗地主,聚在一处扯闲话,要么袖手枯坐,要么闭目打盹。总之,他们相信,只要捱过这段时光,在落日余晖中会迎来一个热闹的晚集。  尹小占的煎饼摊总是