
来源 :化学教学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhoulei1964
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一、探究式演示实验的选择和组合 在课堂教学中,这些实验可分为两组: 第一组,选用一个或两个实验,把它们安排在复习提问的环节中。其目的:(一)借助演示实验,再造表象,为他们学习新知识储备必要的知识;(二)借助实验,激活他们的记忆表象,为他们由具体感知向概念、思维的过渡做好定向准备,提高思维活动的自觉性和正确性,为创造性思维的培养创造条件。 第二组,根据知识探索的历程和他们认识发展的顺序,把选择的实验按照创造性的想维过程组合起来。把演示实验提供思维材料的作用与思维活动的监控作用统一起来,以提高他们思维活动的独立性和批判性,提高他们思维的效率和速度。 First, the choice and combination of inquiry demonstration experiment In the classroom teaching, these experiments can be divided into two groups: The first group, select one or two experiments, and arrange them in the review questions. Its purpose: (1) to use demonstration experiments to recreate representations and to reserve necessary knowledge for them to learn new knowledge; (2) to use experiments to activate their memory representations and prepare for their transition from concrete perception to concept and thinking. Improving the consciousness and correctness of thinking activities and creating conditions for the cultivation of creative thinking. The second group, based on the history of knowledge exploration and the order in which they recognized the development, combined the selected experiments according to the creative thinking process. The demonstration experiment provides the function of thinking materials and the monitoring function of thinking activities to unite them, so as to improve the independence and criticality of their thinking activities and improve the efficiency and speed of their thinking.
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随着计算机的发展与普及,程序块的灵活运用尤为重要。在数学领域内,公式的活用和运算技巧至关重要,而使用计算机算题时,灵活的运用BASIC程序块对人们更是大有益处的。 约当