On the humanistic solicitude in green design

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  【Abstract】: this article through to the "green design" in reality, how to better balance the analysis of the relationship between man and natural environment, so as to embody the ethical and the "truth" in design, with the green design under the composite carrier of material and spirit makes us feel the green design should reflect more humanistic care.
  【Keywords】: green design, design ethics, people-oriented
  (1) "green design" and "people-oriented" thinking
  From early design dating back to the present, the materials of local materials, design considerations of human nature, design people-centric, and so on a series of design reflects the people heart and soul of the design idea, in the process of this irrational technology and caused a lot of consequences of the influence of human's life quality and even endanger the offspring, "environmental pollution" "ecological damage caused by a series of" flood "disease" typical "fact is, these seemingly natural disaster and man-made, desperate to rush to the pursuit of human interests caused the conflict between man and nature, so the price of such reckless and had to be self-reflection, green design of the proposed strategy is to solve the trouble.
  Human-centered design thought is the design requirement of traditional design. For modern design, the design to enter people's life reflects people-oriented democracy, making design better for social services. But in the design, simply consider the interests and needs of people, blind transition emphasizes people-oriented, which causes many antagonism between people and nature. Humans must gain new understanding in the relationship with nature, man belongs to nature, and nature does not belong to human, so on the basis of the need to establish a new kind of design ethics, implementation based on natural green design. For this is not to say that the people-oriented and green design is contradictory, but in some ways, they are the unity of opposites relations, both their priorities, which contain both also has the generality, only two live in harmony, make based on natural green design everywhere embodied humanistic care, both can contribute to the development of human society in harmony.
  (2) the compatibility of "green design" and "people-oriented" design
  The founder of the famous ecologist, Brazil's environmental movement - jose lu cen berg actively advocating "natural an improved" green philosophy, people should not only protect natural ecology is put forward at the same time, also ought to solve their own spiritual ecology.   As distinguished from the human society, the material world of natural growth, the foundation of our human is only to obey nature, can conquer the nature, the so-called obedience is not forced to produce behavior requirements should be human visceral fear of the nature, with the consciousness to guide the behavior of the true church, no matter what the meaning of purpose, should protect it with all my heart to it by the grace. Design is human behavior, is a kind of culture for human service, so its essence and principle is "people-oriented".
  So we're outside emphasizes the harmony between human and nature, advocated based on natural morality, instead of the absolute self-centered, according to the natural revelation of experience to life, to realize that only obey the nature, to manage the nature. So we in the realization of "based on nature" can deeply feel the "people-oriented" and "green design" compatibility, to realize the green design also reveal more humanistic care. Protect the ecological environment, the cherish natural resources, through the concept of green design in the design process to carry out the design principles of human, harmonization of solutions to the contradiction between man and nature, so as to achieve healthy and sustainable development of human and nature.
  (3) conclusion
  Green design is not only a fashionable slogan, but it is a matter of real interest to everyone. At present, designers have established a coordinated development mechanism through design activities, which marks a major change in the development of the design revolution. We see in the green design is not only emphasis on the harmony of man and nature, the designer should be more human care of design concept into the design of green products, from the Angle of the responsible for society to understand a green environmental protection safety and energy saving design for the influence of the society as a whole.
  The "green design" and "human-oriented" surface are designed to design two different points, the design cannot be separated from the natural environment, and the "people-oriented" design principle is not wrong. However, in fact, we can see the interaction between them, and the green design can only show more people's concern under the premise of implementing the principle. As the principle of ergonomics is applied in the design of modern green products, the product makes users feel comfortable, convenient, cheerful and unstressed. It is also important to avoid the harmful effects of noise, poisonous gas, irritating gas and liquid. So, let the green design and people-oriented design idea of the two kinds of transformation and integration of promotion should not be confined to the designer and the enterprise, should be more deep market, improve the industrial chain of virtuous cycle from the design itself.
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